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End crystals are dealing more in overworld then in a diffrent world ( void )

idk how to fix this , i did a research but no one has this problem , ik u can buff it trough purpur but i use paper

exploit or hack that is able to spawn MASSIVE amounts of wither skulls?

Because recently on my server i started having a problem with low TPS and it turned out to be 24k wither_skulls but not the item the entity (the skulls that the wither emits) idk if that could have been a player or what maybe all of the wither skulls from the withers spawned in the world traveled there? idk...

Skript Question

function speak(p:player,m:text):
set {_w} to "&6&l🏆 &f" if {wins::%{_p}'s uuid%} > 0, else ""
set {_pf} to hex("%{_p}'s prefix%%{_p}%%{_p}'s suffix%")
set {_t} to placeholder "%{_p}'s deluxetags_tag%"
{_p} has permission "{@Perm}.staffchat" or "{@Perm}.admin":
function speak(p:player,m:text):
set {_w} to "&6&l🏆 &f" if {wins::%{_p}'s uuid%} > 0, else ""
set {_pf} to hex("%{_p}'s prefix%%{_p}%%{_p}'s suffix%")
set {_t} to placeholder "%{_p}'s deluxetags_tag%"
{_p} has permission "{@Perm}.staffchat" or "{@Perm}.admin":

1.21.4 grief-logging plugin/mod

heyo! im trynna find a mod or a plugin that works with fabric which will allow me to see who griefs on my server. for example if a house gets set on fire i want to be able to see who started the fire (i assume it would look something like "[player name] placed flint and steel at "x y z" at 12:24 pm 25/12/24") something like that so i can ban people who grief...

via version resource pack compatibility with Oraxen

My server is 1.21.3 and I have via version support for 1.21.4 but my resource pack does not work on 1.21.4 I only have some simple item textures and a few json models so is there a way to make it work with via version like itemsadder?...

Custom Models in Itemsadder

I'm trying to add my weapons into my resource pack, as well as the item having a custom model number so the weapon plugin can correlate with the specific types properly, but everything I try isn't working and it gives me an error block. Anybody know how to fix this issue?

Better end for paper?

I was wondering if there's a plugin like Better End for 1.21 or a way to get Better End to work on my paper server? The End is just so bland and I want to spice it up.

Fabric server optimizing

Hello i am making a relativly small modpack that has a little bit of everything for me and my friends. I am using fabric and mc version 1.20.1. The issue i have is server perfomance wise. I doubt that a server that has 12gb ram and 6 cores would struggle with 3/4 ppl exploring a mostly generated world. I would love if you gave me some tips on how to optimise a modpack for server use/ optimise the server itself. I am also attaching modlist of things i already have and project page (tbh i just sla...

I'm looking for a plugin that generates ore

more specifically, a purchasable block in the shopgui plugin that extracts ore under it.

Scan a world for specific item names/lore

Looking for a way to scan a world folder via cli for specific item locations based off item name and item lore. The only way I've found to scan a world so far is via CMI scan/find commands but it takes too long to scan an entire world, days. And has no output to a log after it's done. Having a cli tool such as a python script or bash script would be much preferred as it can be run on backups....

Server can't load resource pack

[13:32:18 WARN]: resource-pack-id missing, using default of f6cae0d4-f22a-368a-9277-fe570a32e3d4
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Bedrock addons XBOX

Is there anyway of getting addons to work on my self hosted bedrock server working with xbox. Have followed a few tutorials and best case the server reboots without the addons worst case the server never restarts. Ive tried exporting the world and opening it on pc and adding the addons then putting the world back on my server. Have also tried uploading the servers files and editing them manually. Im only trying to add crates and some quest addons for my lad and his friends....

How can i make this possible? ( commands yml )

I wanna make so you can like do /rtp nether , instead of /rtp world world_nether. and yes , i did research on it.
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Excessive passive mob spawning in Purpur 1.21.3

Hi, I updated my server from 1.21.1 to 1.21.3, and suddenly had way too many passive and neutral mobs spawning. I even tried reducing the numbers in bukkit.yml, and it's gotten even worse! In some places it's a solid mass of mobs, that strangely seems to stop at some chunk borders.
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Anti Cheat for Autoclickers

Im currently dealing with my players using auto clickers, is there an anti cheat that can check if a player is using an auto clicker? I have both Spartan and Vulcan but dont know which to use, im willing to buy a different one if it will actually work. Im just trying to setup a system where itll automatically warn people (with Litebans) for using an autoclicker In regard to this as well, best way to stop afk'ers, players keep bypassing my (CMI) afk system. I still want them to be able to AFK for farms and stuff, just want a way shorten the amount of afkers...

Persistent Mob Issues

Ive been running paper servers for a few years and one of the ongoing issues ive had is persistent mobs -- particularly endermen and zombies. Once they pick up an item, they just live forever. Zombies were particularly bad because other mobs will die in caves, or players will leave blocks behind, and when you run a server 24/7 for months or years, it starts to add up. We run mostly vanilla, and it is important for players to be able to have persistent mobs. My solution was a script that runs once a day that teleports every zombie variant holding a specific list of items (mostly trash that they would find in a cave) and teleports them into the void. And players know to keep a persistent mob, they need to be holding a craftable item....
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Tebex or Craftingstore

Hello, Looking for some advice, I've been using Tebex for 4 years and looking to see what others think about craftingstore and what's better?...