Created by Magicball__ on 6/10/2024 in #questions
libsdisguises and replay mod?
Anyone have any idea how to make it so replay mod will see libsdisguises, it doesn’t work on my server I have paid version whereas I see other servers it works for them fine.
3 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 8/27/2023 in #questions
Hey guys, ive tried removing/re-add the plugin because it keeps saying its disabled
17 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 8/1/2023 in #questions
So whenever i do /kit create with a written book, it just says "Invalid book tag" Any suggestions
6 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 7/21/2023 in #questions
chat message validation error
Hey guys, some of my players sometimes get that error above, and keep getting kicked from the game. Has anyone experienced this
18 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 7/19/2023 in #questions
farm control
Hey, anyone use the farm control plugin that had issues with passive mobs not going through portals? Any other options in spigot itself disable this? Can’t figure it out. Illegal stack has it so they can
12 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 7/10/2023 in #questions
Villagers frozen?
in most of our server our villagers end up stopping its ai, i had the plugin farmcontrol but it was removed after and some mobs just stop moving causing iron farms to stop working
3 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 7/9/2023 in #questions
Using the farm control plugin, and my villagers are frozen. Ive done everything to remove the allowance for no ai or awareness through the config but i cant figure it out.
11 replies
Created by Magicball__ on 6/30/2023 in #questions
tebex bedrock players on java server
Looking to figure out how I can make it so buycraft allows for bedrock players to buy items on my JAVA server
11 replies