Created by GodsDead on 12/24/2024 in #questions
Scan a world for specific item names/lore
Looking for a way to scan a world folder via cli for specific item locations based off item name and item lore. The only way I've found to scan a world so far is via CMI scan/find commands but it takes too long to scan an entire world, days. And has no output to a log after it's done. Having a cli tool such as a python script or bash script would be much preferred as it can be run on backups.
7 replies
Created by GodsDead on 7/19/2024 in #questions
all in one hub/lobby plugin for 1.20.6+
Never run a hub, all the parts of a hub I can think of like no item drops, adventure mode could be setup with many multiple plugins, but I've seen all in one solutions such as super lobby deluxe https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%9C%AA-superlobbydeluxe-1-8-8-1-20-x-%E2%9C%AA.20400/ And deluxe hub https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/deluxehub-3-professional-hub-management.49425/ But neither work out the box without serious console issues, deluxe hub doesn't even boot with it's default configs, and super lobbys items and menu guis don't work. Does anyone know of a plugin the same or better than these that works on 1.20.6+
2 replies
Created by GodsDead on 7/11/2024 in #questions
MythicMobs, how can I log item drops?
There is a single command that can be run for all drops in a drop table, but I cant see any placeholder that can be used for an item name? If there is, then that could be used with the command thats run and log item drops. Otherwise, how can I log item drops so we can work on droprates and know how many special items have dropped.
3 replies