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If we do one fulltime job and other is C2C. Can the fulltime employer find out if they do periodic

If I am doing a fulltime J1 and take J2 on C2C and get paid on 1099. Will the J1 employer find out if they do Periodic Back Ground checks?

A team advice

I was recently accepted into a team and will start applying for missions. I'm wondering when you set working hours and join a missions, is the mission team flexible with meeting times? Is most work async? How feasible is it to work a j1 with the same hours as the role? I know it can be team dependent but trying to get a general sense....

Can I use a c2c to cover previous work experience, even if it wasn't created then?

If I created a c2c now, would I be able to use it to fill in a work gap from 3 years ago?

Feeling a bit lost, please roast my plan

All my Js have been via network or serendipity so I have never gotten a regular contract from eg Dice. Now I want to go out there and get contracts (or regular jobs and do them via C2C, anything goes). I already know a lot from lurking OE Discords etc. but there's so many tips, trick, approaches, and angles that I'm not sure where to start. This is my current plan. I'm not 100% confident and would really appreciate constructive roasts or affirmations 🙏 ...

For C2C Interest, what is the best rate to quote?

Im curious - ive had an uptick in interest for C2C work for my UX Designer Roles but Im at a loss because I am unaware of what my competition is charging (and I dont want to be taken advantage of) Ive had a ton of W2 roles but im not sure what the multiplier is to reach what the companies were paying my recruiter for me - How do you gauge what is a fair price?...

Suggestions on how to convince a company seeking full-time to hire you for C2C?

Let's say a recruiter reaches out and it's a role you know you would be a good fit for, what would you say to make a case for C2C? Are there any common strategies? Do you complete the interview before even proposing the idea? I'm aware recruiters are often outsourced but let's assume she works for the company you'd like to work at.

How do you all handle taxes for c2c?

I've seen the high level checklist shared: 1. create llc 2. open checking 3. use invoicing platform ...


How often do you invoice? Any suggested services? Can you setup an equivalent to direct deposit?

How to pay yourself for a C2C role?

How do you pay yourself? How much do you pay yourself? I have a partnership with my wife, the only gig through my LLC is 1 C2C software dev role that pays $100/hr....

Queries to use when finding C2C jobs in Indeed

Was poking around Indeed to see if I could find jobs that were explicit looking for C2C folks. I came up with a query that filters out any job postings that includes verbiage that negates C2C ("No C2C", "Please no C2C", etc.) C2C -"No C2C" -"NOT OPEN FOR C2C" -"not eligible for C2C" -"C2C is not " EDIT - C2C -"No C2C" -"NOT OPEN FOR C2C" -"not eligible for C2C" -"C2C is not " -"do not accept C2C" -"not C2C"...


any best practice adivce for getting C2C roles from the PWC talenexchange?

In your C2C invoices, do you add any taxes or its just the (C2C rate*hours) as the total?

Question regarding invoicing client for your consulting gig. US based.

How can I sell consulting services on LinkedIn?

What is this? Service providers can create a Service Page on LinkedIn. Service Pages are free dedicated landing pages that showcase services and businesses, and operate on a request and proposal model. Potential clients can contact providers for free, regardless of connection degree. In general, the steps to work with a service provider on LinkedIn are:...

How does contract take place between LLC and the company who is hiring the consultant?

this depends on the company. some companies like teksystems draft an agreement between your LLC and themselves + the client. others like comcast will request you draft it up legalzoom has some good templates on drafting a 1099 agreement...

What are the major checklist items for C2C?

Just give me a high level detail
1. EIN from LLC paperwork 2. checking account for business 3. formation docs in case they ask 4. use invoicing platform like quickbooks small biz 5. business insurance (inquire after offer)...

How do I land C2C Contracts WITHOUT cold calling?

I don't like the idea of cold calling and/or I don't have the mental bandwidth to make hundreds of calls per week. What are my other options?
PWC Talent Exchange Go on and sign up using your LLC. They take a 5.5% cut and they have some of the more decent rates for C2C. A.TEAM also has 1099/c2c opportunities, and mostly remote for many of their roles. You need to first get on their platform, and then you will be able to browse through. Note that they are somewhat selective. ...

How do I create an LLC for C2C?

Need a jumpstart on this, as I am interested in C2C
Step 1. Create LLC, can use to build the business. Other options include: ZenBusiness, FirstBase Step 2. With EIN number, get a business checking. check out nerdwallet for some good ones. I like brick&morter + good apps, so chase business was good for me At this stage, you're definitely good to go to start applying and be in late stages of interviewing for c2c roles....