


Making clothing less intimidating and helping you develop your own style.






Mono-Brand Wardrobe - Topic of the day 6/12/24

If money were no object and you could only have one brand represented in your wardrobe, what brand would it be and why? Is it aesthetics, function, tactile feel, brand loyalty, sustainability, or something else (feel free to ignore things like undergarments or highly specialized gear)? To what extent is such an approach even viable? Feel free to include pictures of any specific garments that would be essentials for or grails in this mono-brand wardrobe.
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Old Money - Topic of the day 6/11/24

At least once a week we get dudes in here asking how to dress 'old money,' so let's have a lil chat about why the term is whack, classist, and devoid of all fashion meaning so that we can just point them here.
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Closet Purge - Topic of the day 6/10/24

How do you decide when it's time to retire items from your wardrobe? Have you ever had regrets over purging a item? Or holding onto items for longer than it's worth?
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One Year of MFAD - Topic of the day 6/9/24

This discord is now one year old. How are we feelin about this fellas? Do you still like discord as a vessel for fashion discussion? How has your own style evolved over the last year? What is your personal favorite message ever sent here? Are you tired of meta posts?
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What's Mario's Favorite Jacket? - Topic of the day 6/8/24

Denim denim denim. Thanks, folks - I'll be here all week. What's your favorite denim jacket?
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Top of WAYWT: May 2024 - Topic of the day 6/7/24

Listen, I'm gonna be honest and say that the mod team collectively does not own calendars. When we drop the monthly top of waywt just know that we're up here guessing. So it's kind of on you guys that this is going up so late. With that being said, discuss and your favorite WAYWTs from the month of May. Who went nuts, who was slept on, you get it by now.
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Who wears short shorts? - Topic of the day 6/6/24

We wear short shorts. Or long shorts. Or baggy shorts. Or cutoffs. Or jorts. You get it. When it's hot, the legs wanna breathe, and unless you're the Don (hell, even if you are), you might as well let them. What shorts are you looking forward to wearing this summer?
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Brand Spotlight: Orslow - Topic of the day 6/5/24

Japenese craftsmanship? Check. Military vintage vibe? Check. Small sizes? Check check check. What else is there to love about Orslow?
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It's Only Chambray if it's from that region... - Topic of the day 6/4/24

It's a classic. It's your favorite. Don't let anyone tell you it's basic. Every day! It's just okay. What do you mean? We love Chambray! ... Ahem. What are your favorite Chambray pieces? Any special tips for those Chambray-curious?
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City Fashion Guide: Chicago - Topic of the day 6/3/24

Share your favorite spots in the windy city here
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Retail Therapy: Can you *buy* happiness? - Topic of the day 6/1/24

The paradox of retail therapy: while purchasing goods may offer immediate gratification, does it truly lead to lasting happiness? Share your insights and experiences, considering the emotional motivations behind shopping and the long-term fulfillment derived from material possessions versus other sources of joy. This topic will run for 2 days....
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Colors Series: Orange - Topic of the day 5/31/24

Orange is the bridge between the fire of red and the joy of yellow. It embodies the warmth of a sunset, the promise of a new dawn, and the vibrancy of life in its fullest expression. It is the color of transformation and creativity, urging us to embrace change and to see the beauty in every moment. In the heart of orange lies a profound reminder: life is a spectrum of experiences, and within its glow, we find both the courage to face our fears and the joy to celebrate our passions.
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Favorites Seres: Noragis - Topic of the day 5/30/24

This oughtta be good. The Favorites Series is part of a ~weekly recurring TOTD to replace/updated the 5 year old "Best X for $X" threads on r/mfa.
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Daily Footwear - Topic of the day 5/29/24

We often see posts about cool acquisitions, statement piece footwear, but I wanna what your daily drivers are! Share some photos and your thoughts.
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Moodboard - Topic of the day 5/27/24

What do your inspirations look like? What kind of recurring element (motif, color, silhouette) do you notice? How does your outfits reflect — or doesn't reflect — in your outfits?
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The Pivot: Making a drastic change in your aesthetic - Topic of the day 5/26/24

Have you ever pivoted in your personal style from one aesthetic to another - similar or otherwise? How did you pull that off? What was the catalyst? Were there any staple items that made this possible?
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Fragrance - Topic of the day 5/25/24

What's your experience with fragrances? Do you personally use perfume? If so, what are your personal favorites? What new fragrances are you looking forward to trying? Any favorite brands or brands you are hoping to try?
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Color Series: Yellow - Topic of the day 5/24/24

In the realm of fashion, yellow emerges as the radiant hue of choice, exuding optimism and creativity while symbolizing enlightenment. Its vibrant warmth adds vitality to designs, signifying growth and renewal within the ever-evolving tapestry of trends. Like a guiding light, yellow invites us to explore our personal style journey, illuminating the path towards sartorial harmony and self-expression. What are your thoughts on this beaming color?
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Favorites Seres: Overshirts - Topic of the day 5/23/24

What are your favorite overshirts? Anything that sticks out at various price points? What do you look for in a overshirt? What brands have been great for them and what brands have really let you down? Do you prefer button or zip options? Feel free to share a few of your favorite fits or inspo that feature overshirts, too. The Favorites Series is part of a ~weekly recurring TOTD to replace/updated the 5 year old "Best X for $X" threads on r/mfa.
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