Wisdom Kaye - Topic of the day 2/26/25
Content creator and model Wisdom Kaye (@wisdm8 / @wsdm) has garnered much attention on the internet through his viral fashion videos (dressing for each year refererenced in the last topic of the day, dressing as various fonts, etc.). Labeled the "[best] Dressed Guy on TikTok" by Vogue and featured in Forbes's 30 Under 30, his online popularity has translated offline, including appearances at the MetGala and and his styling of the KidSuper Fall 2024 runway show. How do you feel about Wisdom Kaye - his content, his styling for KidSuper, his approach to clothes, and his impact on fashion?
TikTok · Wisdom Kaye
16.7M likes, 116.6K comments. “Replying to @Richmond okeke YOU GUYS ARE DRIVING ME MAD”

67 Replies
How much were the mods paid for this
Totd managers got five dollars each
We can cut the mods in though if you guys want a slice
i think his stuff is kind of neat, I think the 12 million dollar outfit challenges are tacky af, for me I dont feel his content really has any influence on what I do aside from entertainment value (thats just me of course). That about sums up any thoughts I've had about this person
i keep forgetting that he’s 23 and i’m like damn
i think i have a fit or two of his in my camera roll
Man can style, has an amazing wardrobe
Adapt you have literally never submitted a post
Appreciate what he does aside from the expensive fits stuff
he's a good stylist doing what probably all of us would do if we suddenly got a lot of money to spend on clothes
hes 23???????
nearly 24 but yeah
i don't think he quiiiiiite had the time to build up rly good taste before he blew up but it doesn't matter, his closet is great
And yet I still got my five bucks
He seems genuinely nice i havent heard much bad about him. I am happy for him to have found success in being someone who clearly likes styling and finds joy in fun clothes. I get a massive pit in my stomach seeing how much money he spends on his clothes to make tiktoks with and how openly he flaunts wealth in his $100k outfit vs $10k outfit vs $100 outfit videos. It is completely antithetical to my own ideas of what a successful fashion figure should be promoting.
I don’t know if his wealth or he’s given these things to style
I think a lot of it is like his business so he has to spend a lot for expenses
for what it's worth i much prefer this type of content to be focused on super expensive high fashion rather than super expensive streetwear. like this kinda content existed far before wisdm and was very popular
It’s probably less personal than we think, and honestly I really hope he doesn’t burn out
Thats his business but its not good
He posts a lot on his private insta of the recent things hes copped and its all ungodly expensive a lot of this is just a display of his shopping habits
I think the only logical next step for him career wise would be to start making super terrible music
how much modeling does he do
I think he walked for Robert wun?
i know sal's comment was a joke but i think big modeling and styling gigs could be a next step if he isn't already doing them
No he got custom rob for the met though
Nvm im wrong
I forgot he was one of the raincoat variations
how does he get those clothes? does he work in a place with a cool wardrobe where he can borrow unique stuff or something?
don't know much about him
I think he owns a lot of what he wears
He has a loft full of racks of clothing
Yea he just buys em
Im sure companies send him a ton of stuff too and like pays him to make a video styling them
ill watch like 1 or 2 wisdm videos every month or so and im always like waow hes charming and good at styling. i generally enjoyed his kidsuper runway styling too, but id love to see him do a big haute couture show fr.
wisdom kaye to me is like jacob collier
big respect for the guy and he rly knows what hes doing, and even if what he does isnt for me it is cool
just like jacob collier its so so opulent and i think thats what throws me
Hooooly shit this is a big insult
If I were called Jacob collier at my job omg
Omg no wayyyy
Not the Jacob Collier comparison
I used to like him then I saw him live
And listened to his albums
not to go off the rails but i do think that jacob collier is really good at what he does and hes found a good audience for that , like speaking as a girl with a music degree he is genuinely incredibly good at music theory and composition
I agree that he is quite good at theory and composition
I just think his music is not for me
Despite how well he teaches music
he uses a lot of these crazy techniques to make (imo) pretty boring music but at the same time its kind of like a pop version of the rly crazy modern academic atonal composers
it becomes self indulgent to a point
but the backing and rigor is there!
I thought the kid super show was super sick, his editing is insane, great fits. big fan, glad it’s him who’s on top of fashion influencers and not someone else
Jacob is super talented!! All my music major friends love him! But goddamn he has absolutely no taste and doesn’t understand emotion
i think that part of it is definitely Being Big On The Internet
I have two drummer friends and one is super good at music theory but does not have any feel so he sounds like a metronome no matter what music he plays and my other friend is equally good at theory but has a sense of feel and it’s tremendous their differences
But on paper they’re they have the same qualifications
That’s how I feel about Jacob though. And all the biggest artists super respect him
But he probably has the worst Grammy nominated album of all time lmao
I feel like the polar opposite of Jacob collier is like shoegaze/slowcore/some punk. Cap’n Jazz or Galaxie 500 is to me the opposite of him
We need the cap’n jazz of fashion tiktokkers!!
All vibes and emotion, no technical ability (who?)
theres a lot of technical abolity in punk etc, it's all informal technique though
there was the one girl who had all the keyboards on her wall, i forget her name
myra magdalen

i have that same ribbon tied on my meme paraboots lol
True, it’s just that punk is a genre I can think of where music theory knowledge is not one of the most important parts of what makes good punk good
i meannnnnnn if we're talking about music theory thats never why something is good, its one formalized set of tools to describe why certain music is good
but i agree with what youre saying without getting pedantic about it
establishment/academic music vs music outside that structure
Ya I’m not trying to say music theory is bad or that artists that play music outside of traditional music theory don’t understand music theory just that Jacob collier is very very theory based and I think that takes away from his work
But back to the topic of fashion, it’s like how color theory exists and it’s a real thing, but you don’t have to study it specifically to get the vibes of color theory
music theory is really just vibes
so like… boring math rock, basically? i’ll have to go listen
pop jazz lol
With EDM influences!
And soul influences and crazy metal guitar solos
This is kinda how I feel about the tapping forward metal guys that sorta blew up the past decade. Whole lotta notes, not a lot of emotion
yeah polyphia reads that way to me
sounds good feels suuuuper robotic
like fun music to learn on your guitar
Polyphia is vibeless
I get that it's cool to shred like that but it's not very vibey
Why play many note when few note do trick - BB King
Idk I really like ABC
At least polyphia is thematically congruent
What is ABC?
The song
Oh lol
I was like “this gotta be a genre I don’t know about”
abc is good
they are pretty good when they do pop
bc their stuff is often really punchy and crisp
i like uhhhh so strange
i do wish abc was like 10 bpm slower
I also feel like polyphia is a showcase of technical ability vs theory
scrolled through some of his insta guy is immaculate
Honestly, wisdomkaye content inspired me to get into fashion. Love his stuff
ok but have you all heard tim henson's cover of bbl drizzy
No but I guess I will
Tim handsome
dont care about him
I do really appreciate that he is a goofball and seems to have a lot of fun doing his content. So much of menswear content is like hot guy dressing bland and acting sort of serious so its a nice change of pace
Same reason i love blue eyes’ content he is just goofy and fun but still putting that shit on