Retired Numbers (Clothes) - Topic of the day 2/24/25
Sport teams will hang retired jerseys from the rafters as a way to honor former players. Are there any clothes that you no longer wear but still keep around? If so, why, and how do you preserve them? If not, why not?

14 Replies
I keep some pants my aunt made for me even though they are very cooked by now.
Feels wrong to throw them away
retiring my clothes (they don't fit anymore)
If someone can get use out of it, I would much rather give it to friends and family. I saw a coworker wearing a tie dye sweatshirt I gave her months ago and that's way better than putting it up somewhere in my house.
I still have some SLP and Amiri stuff that I keep around and wear from time to time, but for the most part I sell that shit—it’s just stuff ya know?
I have a varsity jacket from a defunct ny streetwear brand that was the first 'big cop' I did when I was sixteen and chronically reading highsnobiety. I always planned on giving it to my future kid
This feels like there’s two different kinds of retired - i hang on to a lot of stuff I’ve outgrown but otherwise like, and am really quick to dump stuff that fits me but I don’t like anymore
I do need to clean up my closet though there are things that have not seen wear in a long long time
I would probably hang onto something super sentimental like wedding clothes or like family heirlooms (until I have kids to pass those down to or whatever)
Getting a fit off in something does not invoke that same level of sentiment in me where I wouldn’t want to get rid of it
Or give it to someone who will love it
I guess to use extremes to illustrate it, the t shirt from the pogues show my dad took me to when I was 11 is one of the most emotionally important things I own even if it’s like a small at most, but I’ve jettisoned several pairs of raws that I could still wear when I realized I just didn’t freak with raw denim like that
Some jewelry that I don’t wear anymore I keep around bc it’s sentimental and easy to store
My parents have a lot of space so I have my high school prom dress in their house but if I had to keep it w me I might have donated it already
In general I’m very aggressive about getting rid of stuff with a pretty low regret rate
I still have my Dana Lee (Brown) waffle coat. It's been so heavily worn that I don't think it's really worthwhile to sell and it doesn't really fit anymore but I still have a soft spot for it. One of these days I might repair the elbows and sell it to a fashion friend just so it gets use but for now it stays in my closet.
Other stuff like my wedding suit I keep around even tho I've been thinking about a different/better navy suit as my go-to. I'll obviously never sell that suit tho and it does still fit. Just not quite the right color of navy.
Repurposing - if something gets too worn out it can be scrap or patches. Some stuff isn't really reusable by other people other than repurposing anyway, so donating is the same as throwing away.
I have a goretex cagoule my mam bought me the day I went off for college, 20+ years ago. Unlikely to ever wear it again but I'll never get rid of it. Same with a remus uomo leather jacket my family got me for my 16th birthday. I have to try and work that into a fit.
i got a 2 discontinued merch shirts from my fav artist before he blew up, and they are falling apart, bjt also autographed, and i keep them in a drawer