Created by MobileSuitGrundrisse on 5/30/2024 in #questions-and-advice
more structured big jeans
I'm trying to branch back out from cowboy cuts after spending the past couple years in them as my go-to jeans. Generally my wardrobe has been leaning in more of a goth westernwear direction lately, so I think if I'm gonna do big pants I'd prefer them to be more structured, high rise wide legs rather than something baggier. That way I can still wear them with my sidezips and cowboy boots and loafers and stuff. I've just been having a hard time searching for what I actually like - a rise high enough that the jeans sit at or above my natural waist, and a leg that's less of a flare from the knee down and more of a structured trapezoid shape the whole leg through. This is a silhouette I seem to be able to find pretty easily in women's mall brands ( but not so much in mens stuff. The closest thing I think I've found is these guys from olive ( but I still don't love them. Tldr: I think I like a high (almost nipped at the waist?) waist falling down to a very wide, but structured, leg. I just don't know how to search for it in a way that's productive. Any suggestions on how to do that would be great! I also wouldn't mind specific suggestions, I'm trying to stay sub-$200 and don't mind (even kinda prefer sometimes) trawling ebay if something vintage fits the bill better
80 replies
Created by MobileSuitGrundrisse on 4/3/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Ecru/Cream Western Shirt Suggestions
I've been trying to pick out a cream-ish western shirt, but I've really been struggling to actually commit to one. I know in the end I'm gonna need to kind of just vibe it out, but I'd like to at least narrow my options a little before I do that. I know that I primarily want this for summer wear as a top layer and layering with casual tailoring or knitwear in the cooler months - sort of splitting the difference between the way a few users here wear them (somewhere in a venn diagram between beans and warpweft I suppose). The option sort of staring me in the face is obviously Wythe's tencel shirts, but I feel like their two colors that might work are too brown (nutmeg) or too white (natural). I also don't know whether that tencel gabardine would look too wack replacing an ocbd under a blazer, and the lack of a front yoke is a bit disappointing to me. I really like the decent sized collar though, and the fact that it's not just a plain denim/cotton twill (I'll mostly be wearing it with jeans, and appreciate a bit of textural variety) and isn't a particularly slim cut. Does anyone have any suggestions at a similar price point to Wythe that would fit the bill? Or just things to look for when shopping secondhand/vintage to narrow my search down?
14 replies
Created by MobileSuitGrundrisse on 3/19/2024 in #questions-and-advice
what is the role of guilt or shame in putting that shit on?
I guess another very meta navel gazey msg post with just enough of a kernel of personal utility to me to not go in discussion: I was reflecting on the most recent fits I've posted and realized I feel irl very confident and happy wearing what is basically a straight fit high rise version of 2013 slp, but feel genuinely and deeply ashamed whenever I post a fit like that in the discord. And I think maybe there's something to the whole shame or guilt thing I haven't considered before. Maybe this is all just a very academic way to say "please don't make me buy paraboots mfad I think my harness wyatts look cool with bootcuts!" but I suppose it got me thinking - is shame a productive emotion when it comes to putting that shit on? And is it okay to have "guilty pleasures" that you're ashamed of but like anyways? Is it even possible to have a guilty pleasure (or conversely, to dress without shame) in the context of something as necessarily social as fashion?
95 replies
Created by MobileSuitGrundrisse on 2/4/2024 in #questions-and-advice
wearing off-trend stuff without looking dated
Looking at theme waywt made me realize a handful of those outfits are things that, if the pants were switched out for something straighter, I would just unironically wear and feel pretty good about myself in. For example, I've had a pair of black sef harness boots forever, like at least six years. Wearing them with skinny jeans obviously feels like heidi slenderman called and wants his jawns back. But wearing them with cowboy cuts feels...maybe not "on-trend," but "me" in a way I'm pretty happy with. They do what a black cowboy boot would do but with more hardware. They feel true to what I like about my clothes and about me, and I still wear them two or three times a week. I guess the question its prompted is twofold, one practical and the other philosophical: Practical/for me: Is that a reasonable way to engage with clothes (both the specific example and more generally) or is it needlessly holding onto the past? Is my fondness for my edgy little elf boots a fetter on getting a fit off Philosophically: Where/how does the line get drawn between "this isn't hot shit anymore but I like it" and "this looks dated and cringe"? (I have some thoughts about this being a quantitative vs qualitative change thing, but this is unwieldy enough as is) (also I know this straddles the line between questions and discussion, it's here for now because there's an element of "tell me whether it's wack for me to like my shoes" even if it's more a way in to a bigger question)
12 replies