Nicholas Liang
Nicholas Liang
Exporting to Spatial
I have no idea why. I don't have time to go in and find it out at this moment
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Exporting to Spatial
The UV mapping has been changed.
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Exporting to Spatial
ok, sorry
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Exporting to Spatial
But if you export from Tilt Brush, everything should works for sure.
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Exporting to Spatial
@andybak @Dinda Just an quick update, the shaders now may not be working anymore because I think Open Brush has changed some UV mapping.
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Mixed Reality Capture Advice
Another option is using a IPad version, that require some iOS development tools so if you are going in that path, I may have to try it again and create a step-by-step tutorial on that
9 replies
Mixed Reality Capture Advice
I have done that in the previous fall 2022. Let me give you a small checklist to start with: If you are in PCVR, you have to use SteamVR to connect with the steam version LIV with the OpenVR backend check the following: 1. Are you using oculus link? 2. Are you using steamVR 3. Have you switch your openvr backend to steamVR instead of Oculus VR? 4. do you see the LIV virtual devices on your steamVR panel? 5. Are you using Mixed Reality capture mode in LIV 6. do you have the camera working in LIV (windows system will lock your camera to only one app)
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