URP and the Unity SDK/
Hi All. i have questions about SDK(especially URP)
1. the latest version is from Jan 19 2023. is it correct. all the current brushes are included there, or i should download new shaders from somewhere else.
2. URP fork seems to be older then the build in version? what is the correct way to get SDK with all active brushes for URP..
3. Do i need Liner Shaders, or just addind keyword in the Shader will fix everything. Thanks. Sorry, i kinda mixed up eveyrthing (not documented well 😉 😄 )
3. Do i need Liner Shaders, or just addind keyword in the Shader will fix everything. Thanks. Sorry, i kinda mixed up eveyrthing (not documented well 😉 😄 )
18 Replies
1. There are more recent versions of the URP shaders but they live in a different repo where I'm completely reworking the toolkit/SDK: https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush-unity-tools - you can try grabbing them from there and manually assigning them.
I don't think they differ hugely from the ones in the main repo (i.e. https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush-toolkit/tree/feature/shader-graph as described here: https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush-toolkit/releases/tag/v24.0.0 ) but I'm kinda halfway through a big change and I can't remember exactly what stage everything is at.
In either case they are a) based on shader graph and b) need to be assigned manually to your exported sketch
Thanks. going to check right now.
2. Not sure where you're getting your dates from? Most shaders in the main repo have barely changed:

Also "all active brushes"? Do you mean "regular brushes plus experimental brushes"? I'm not sure what you mean by "all active"...
3. I don't think the linear think applies to Shader Graph shaders but I'm not 100%
We'd recommend not using linear unless you have a really overwhelming reason - it will make most sketches look radically different to how they look inside Open Brush.
i mean the brushes that are available for regular user of Open Brush. But if there is experimentals as well, then i can also include them in the project.
yeah, that's bad. becuase not only tilt/open brush content is available in my product. i Should find some sort of solution (maybe reworking the shaders will help? )
+ when you go to URP branch.
If you've got any idea how to get linear to look like gamma by tweaking shaders then I'd love to hear it! My (rather limited understanding) is that it's simply not possible.
Gamma vs linear is about cumulative changes in compositing. A shader can only really affect it's own output.
There are advanced compositing options in OpenGL but Unity doesn't support them anywhere as far as I can tell
That's not to say you can't mitigate the differences - but at the end of the day linear will always look different to gamma if you have multiple transparent shaders overlaid.
(it might not matter to you in your application? it's existing artwork that will change - that's a big problem for us)
unfortunately no. i will work with already existing artworks 😄
Ok i will give a try to understand the problem and find some solution (if possible)
othwerwise will try to chnage my project to Gamme (and i think i will break every current content :D)
@andybak do you know about this repo?
there are URP shader, and all of them work as expected( in gamma). the repo you have provided, the shaders had issues(they aren't displaying correctly)
Yes - the kijai repo is mentioned in our docs somewhere but I thought it was out of date.
Can you clarify "aren't displaying correctly"? - it would be great if you have screenshots that show the problem you're experiencing.
/cc @Nicholas Liang
left - your repo.
right - kijai's repo.
Project settings are fully same, and both Gamma

Materials name - Dots
have you tried the shader from https://github.com/icosa-foundation/open-brush-unity-tools ?
ah - just remembered something.
the URP shaders in unity-tools are meant to be used with the new exporter - let me check that works and i'll explain what to do
(feel free to use the kijai shaders - but it's the set in unity-tools we're going to focus on getting finished as they can work across all render pipelines and we have the experimentals as well)
sure. only issue i can see right now that Kijai has only 59 shader, when tilt brush has 175
i will test with different models, and if they all work. i will use these shader.
Will wait until you have updates, (then will switch if necessary)
Interesting. The shaders are linear only on the URP branch because it is only developed for supporting AltspaceVR

I switched from gamma to linear with the oldest power by 2.2 calculation
The original tilt brush shader use a global shader variable named as something like "TBT_Linear" to do the branching of linear or gamma
But when I am developing the shader in around 2021, global shader variable suport is not supported by AltspaceVR so I have developed a linear version only
one way to switch from the URP shader in the URP branch from linear to gamma is simply find all the power 2.2 nodes and disconnect them
Is there a link to the new Kijai shaders?
I’m working with BRCvr to get some of my old tiltbrush altspace worlds up on their new platform and apparently the Unity gltf exporter conflicts with the tiltbrush toolkit package. I’m wondering if just installing the Kijai shaders and using those alone with the gltf exporter would work?
apparently the Unity gltf exporter conflicts with the tiltbrush toolkit package.This is probably solvable but I'd like to understand the workflow in depth before getting into the details of that. It's possible there's a better way to approach things. What is their new platform? I'd need to know what GLTF exporter they use, which Unity version, which render pipeline and whether it supports custom shaders (and if there are any specific limitations) Is it one of the platforms listed here? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-MTrJ4ekMsOsGqob3Q3tNix3NlJQ-H6V02yFQUylq4o If not it would be good to add it to the list so I can track compatibility. They are welcome to message me directly. Ideally someone who works directly on their platform. Or get them to join in the conversation here.
For sure! I’ll loop them in!