•Created by Walker on 4/28/2024 in #questions-and-advice
13 replies
•Created by Walker on 4/11/2024 in #questions-and-advice
NB 550's, and how to pick a colorway that fits your style?
Hey everyone I recently saw someone wearing these:
And I think they just look rad. The white shoe with a pop of color on top of being a new balance (they're one of the only shoes that feel comfortable for me)
But I don't wear a lot of green. I wish I could give you guys some pics but I mostly wear black, white, white sneakers. Sometimes blue jeans, and I have a pair of black and white cargos. Idk if the green which seems to be everyone's favorite is right for me.
So how do I pick a colorway and also are these shoes even good or am I tripping
13 replies
•Created by Walker on 3/25/2024 in #questions-and-advice
How to style this bomber jacket, and how to dress in layers in a sunny area

7 replies
•Created by Walker on 12/28/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Looking to add boots to my wardrobe. But what brand? What style of boot? Budget is $200
From what I've seen on youtube and the fashion sub, a pair of dark tan Chelsea boots would fit most outfits well. But I've only ever worn steel toe docs as a kid, I'm not sure what to pick. In fact up until now I thought Chelsea boots were kinda girly.
I've been considering a few brands but the ones that fit my budget are these Thursday boots.
I mostly wear your standard minimalist black/denim pants or chinos with a white/black T-shirt, some jewelry. Is that helpful? I don't have many pictures of myself..
Also, about boots. I know that the point of boots is to look a little elegant with the leather but still rugged with the BOOT look... But I don't really like the flat soles of most boots including the ones I listed above. They have lug soles which makes me happier and less prone to slipping around, but does that kill the point of having semi-formal boots anyways? Oki thankss
47 replies
•Created by Walker on 11/30/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Shoes Like Pottery white shoes?
Heyo I got some SLPs and I love them, but they're not really white, more like an offwhite.
In the case of wearing white shoes, will this fly? Whenever I buy white shoes they are, well, white. Do I still get the same vibe with offwhite stuff? Do I need to then wear an offwhite shirt ...?
13 replies
•Created by Walker on 10/19/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Suggestions needed for good white sneakers + flat feet
First: I like white sneakers and I'm currently wearing the cheap 996S white white new balances. The shoes are comfy enough and I was thinking about getting these shoes again but I want to get white shoes that might go better with streetwear and a step towards formal. Like I wanna wear them with chinos and cargos too. Maybe something I'd wear on a casual date.
Second is that I have flat feet. Most sneakers are designed to be lightweight meaning for people like me most sneakers are painful to walk in. Shoes aren't obviously good too, you have to have the physical shoe in hand to test it. Most "flat foot" shoes are tennis or running shoes and would never look anything more than athletic or streetwear even clean.
Any suggestions of good white shoes that go with streetwear and maybe a notch above? Budget is prob 100-150 and only if they're crazy good
51 replies
•Created by Walker on 8/1/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Jeans of the same model (Levi's 501/502 specifically) have huge price differences. Why?
Evening folks. I live in Japan where the thrift ("Reuse" or "second hand" out here) market scene is from what I can tell much bigger than where I'm from in America. Usually thrifted items are really high quality, but are a little more expensive.
Recently I went thrifting for some jeans. I've been told to look for the Levi's 501 as it's apparently the most classic fit and doesn't sit too low on the waist, plus I like the button fly.
(1000 yen = roughly 10 dollars for comprehension sake)
Some thrifted pairs of 501s will go from 1000-3000 yen, while new ones will go to 5000 yen. Okay, fine.. but then youll see thrashed up and old 501s being sold for 10,000-15,000 yen. The variance in prices go between these two extremes.. so why? Are newer Levi's worse than the old ones? Or are you just paying vintage prices for older jeans? Is there something special about older jeans I don't know about?
13 replies
•Created by Walker on 7/31/2023 in #questions-and-advice
(Uniqlo) Cargo Joggers or Regular Cargos?
Evening there. My current fits are mostly slightly athletic top + wider pants. I wear white new balances with everything and if those dont work the docs go on. I've not worn cargos since I was a kid and those were camo/GI cargos. I really like the cinched look on the cargo joggers, but when I show my friends these two pages most of them prefer the regular cargos.
(Link to what I'm wearing atm; this basically encapsulates the vibe I want. --> https://discord.com/channels/1116793467654381685/1135235582423994458)
What then, are cargo joggers good in? Why are regular cargos so universally loved? Which one is better for the streetwear-ish vibe I've got going
Edit: pants on last message
64 replies
•Created by Walker on 7/30/2023 in #questions-and-advice
What top to wear w/ Uniqlo's Parachute pants?
I'll get pictures up soonish, but I just got Uniqlo's newish cargo parachute pants and I just love the fit. I've never worn big pants like this and it feels so silly+roomy.
Anyways, what do you usually wear with big floofy pants like these? Specifically the top. It's really, REALLY hot here in Japan so at most I can only layer a light outer on top of my tshirt. Should I just stick with a tucked oversized Tshirt, or a tighter more athletic one? (I'm slightly built).
TL;DR what do you usually pair with wide-cut pants
103 replies
•Created by Walker on 7/29/2023 in #questions-and-advice
Having trouble thrifting/not shopping at Uniqlo
I'm here in Japan and basically all my clothes are Uniqlo because it's cheap and minimal. When I go out to thrift clothes I don't know what to buy because most clothes are from small brands that I don't recognize.
This wouldnt be a problem if thrifting was cheap, but it often costs as much as regular clothing. How am I supposed to determine the quality of the clothing I buy? Or is it just a gamble like anything and you just play the game?
6 replies
•Created by Walker on 7/22/2023 in #questions-and-advice
[JP] What are extra-long belts called, and where can I buy them online (specifically in Japan)?
Evening everyone. I live in Japan and I have been taking trips to Tokyo lately. Some of the kids roaming around in techwear cargos have these wide, extra-long belts that hang off their waists in this really cool looking sway. But, searching for 'extra long belt' on google using Japanese and/or English just gives me moderately long leather belts that don't drape at all. I must be using the wrong keyword...
So, first, what are they called. Second, what should I be 'looking' for online? Do you guys have any brands that you would suggest for these kinds of belts? A friend of mine sent me an example from https://iiiiclothing.com/products/toxic-belt?fbclid=IwAR3kc_89j9YKLlVcLooy8O09X6tcwT-hQZRNjmIjhCAP8o8eFVl73u30PXQ, but there are no viable keywords in that listing, and if I wanted to buy it, it's 50 dollars shipping.
Any advice?
8 replies