


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Table's Query Builder is not shown shown in full width

I have a resource, which has a table, and I added filter inside using the QueryBuilder, as follows: ```php // ... ->filters([...
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any plugin to create something like image attached?

its possible to create this inside a form? all info came from a table in mysql
Create a ViewField and just render it yourself.
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remove borders from section?

its possible to remove borders from section ? attached image
you can use Group or Grid if you dont want the style of the section or use css to override it and unset the border...
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filament plugin menu-builder

Has anyone installed this plugin? I have installed it but when I go to the edit page of the menu builder. I get an error that the route ( not defined. Anyone has an idea?

Multiple Repeater

In the models Customer, Service, Transaction, ServiceTransaction, Payment, and PaymentTransaction, I display ServiceTransaction using a repeater in TransactionResource. I also want to use PaymentTransaction with a repeater, but it doesn't catch the payment_id. Is there a way to use a repeater that isn't related to the resource? Thank you!
The problem is I can’t see the array sent by “payment” .
Yes, because you declared it a ->relationship() it is saving directly to that relationship and removing the data afterwards....

How to do auth in React Native

How would someone implement external auth? Do I really need Breeze for this or can I already use Filament's auth layer

wide tabs in forms

hi how i can make full width the attached picture? im using tabs in form builder i see too much white space in right what im missing? thank you...
->columnSpanFull() ?
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tag field with color in forms?

hi any chance to make this in filamentphp? attached picture.
If you just want to show stuff have a look at Infolists. Or if you want that inside a form, you might use a ViewField and use the badge blade component.
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how make this query in filament php?

Hi how i can replicate this query in filament php? ```SELECT CAST( AS CHAR) AS id, u.estado,...
Relationships are Laravel level. You need to understand Eloquent the ORM of Laravel

Characters remaining JS

Anyone got an example of an extraAttributes code to do a characters remaining in a TextArea ? Or something similar ?...

Chart Not Displaying Correctly

Very strange thing happening as it has been working perfectly fine for weeks and even on a copy of the codebase, the chart works right which you can see on the other image. ```php ?php...
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how to create a page with a table to list clients

Hi which tutorial i can follow to create a new page on filament named Clients, and when i click it should show a data table (i already got my db in mysql with data) how i can show exactly all records from that mysql table into a data table in filament? thank you
Filament works with Laravel's ORM "Eloquent". You need to define models which will be mapped to an SQL query.

Role based access

Hello guys', im new to filament so please bare with me, I need to create an app, say School Management System, where we have 3 roles : admin, teacher and students, each role has login access, student can submit the assignment, teacher can access it, and Admin can manage this two roles and other things. My concern is how to manage 3 roles , do i have to create 3 diffrent panels or i can manage with single panel based on role?

user management with roles

Hi im just starting with filament, how i can create a user management system with roles theres any plugin? thank you

text input with relation

when i try to access pricing relation with product model, i could not access values in the form text input. can some one help me how to get relation model value with text input ??? TextInput::make('pricing.sell_price') ->label('Price') ->required()...
You need to use a Layout field with ->relationship() for this

Select and TextColumn with Associative Array

``` use Filament\Forms\Components\Select; Select::make('status') ->options([...

The Popup form closes

The popup form closes on clicking anywhere outside the window form. Any clue on how to stop it from closing?
go to your resource list then on the CreateAction method add this ->closeModalByClickingAway(false)...
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is 2 cores 2gb server enough for filament with 3 differenet panels each for admin, mentor, intern?

Im really in the rush right now casue i got an internship for building a internship management program for around 3 month, im consedering using filament for rapid development , but i have concerns regarding the server requirement , can 2 cores 2gb ram server handle around 400+ request in peak hour such in the morning and evening? thanks alot, im really really a newbie in this field

Infolist not properly aligned

Sorry if I am missing something something but I'm trying to get my server stats and quick actions sections under each other. This is the code for the view.

How to allow the password field to be red too and have error message in login?

This is the default login of Filament, I've just edited the lang there. is it possible both field to be red?
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