Parthiban N
Need Clarification in close modal
I am opening the modal from navigation menu like this
Resources\DemoResource::getUrl(parameters: [
'action' => Filament\Actions\CreateAction::getDefaultName()
the above generates url like http:://localhost/demo/demos?action=create and it works perfectly but how the filament updates the query string to http:://localhost/demo/demos if i close the modal without reloading the page
2 replies
Need a help in custom page with table
I created a ViewDayBookDetails custom page :
class ViewDayBookDetails extends Page implements HasTable
use HasPageShield;
use InteractsWithTable;
use Concerns\Component\SerialNumber;
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.view-day-book-details';
public function mount() {
if (! request()->has('date') && ! request()->filled('date')) {
Toast::error(title: ('custom_pages.view_day_book_details.error_message.date_required'));
return back()->withInput();
public function getTitle(): string
return ('custom_pages.view_day_book_details.title', ['date', request('date')]);
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder
$date = Carbon::parse(request('date'))->toDateString();
return TransactionDetail::query()
->whereDate('created_at', $date);
From Another Resource Table Action:
->url(fn(Model $record) => ViewDayBookDetails::getUrl(parameters: ['date' => $record->created_at->format('Y-m-d')]))
In ViewDayBookDetails custom page request('date') return null , I inspect the network tab the filament triggers two xhr request for the first request getTitle() shows the date but the second request removes the date
3 replies
How to use the registered color in service provider to change the border color?
'indigo' => Color::Indigo,
<tr class="border-b border-indigo-500">
<td class="p-3 font-semibold border-r border-indigo-600">Demo</td>
<td class="p-3 border-r border-red-600">demo</td>
<td class="p-3 font-semibold border-r border-indigo-600">Demo</td>
<td class="p-3">demo</td>
6 replies
Table Toggle Column Issue in v3.2.131
In the provided video, the toggle column not works correctly in simple resources like Processing Fee Categories but in database value changed
In normal resource with view page like Branches toggle column works correctly
In Previous Version 3.2.110, their is no issues how to fix this in latest version
14 replies
how to make $shouldRollbackDatabaseTransaction to true in Halt class
In BasePage class:
protected function halt(): void
throw new Halt();
In CreateRecord class -> create method -> Halt Catch block:
$exception->shouldRollbackDatabaseTransaction() ?
$this->rollBackDatabaseTransaction() :
In Customer Resource -> CreateCustomer Page Class :
protected ?bool $hasDatabaseTransactions = true;
handleRecordCreation method:
$record = static::getModel()::create($data);
if (! $record) {
title: __('customer.error_message.create'),
color: 'danger'
here how to rollback the transaction if halt hits
2 replies
Custom Table repeatable entry
i am creating custom table repeatable entry for my own project and i referred the source code of awcodes/table-repeater and taken the code from it.
Here i shared my custom table repeatable entry codes it works perfectly.
But i actually i want table footers with sum of the columns so i created the Footer Class with the reference of awcodes/table-repeater Header class.
But for the sum of the columns i extends the Footer class with Filament\Support\Components\Component; and i chained method default with closure and try to access the getState in blade file i end up with laravel error page
2 replies