Parthiban N
Parthiban N
Created by Parthiban N on 8/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Missing rollbackTransaction argument in halt method in packages/panels/src/Pages/BasePage.php
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Created by Parthiban N on 6/22/2024 in #❓┊help
how to make $shouldRollbackDatabaseTransaction to true in Halt class
In BasePage class: protected function halt(): void { throw new Halt(); } ----------------------------------------------------------- In CreateRecord class -> create method -> Halt Catch block: $exception->shouldRollbackDatabaseTransaction() ? $this->rollBackDatabaseTransaction() : $this->commitDatabaseTransaction(); return; ------------------------------------------------------------ In Customer Resource -> CreateCustomer Page Class : protected ?bool $hasDatabaseTransactions = true; handleRecordCreation method: $record = static::getModel()::create($data); if (! $record) { app('helpers')::toast( title: __('customer.error_message.create'), color: 'danger' ); $this->halt(); } -------------------------------------------------------------- here how to rollback the transaction if halt hits
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Created by Parthiban N on 6/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom Table repeatable entry
i am creating custom table repeatable entry for my own project and i referred the source code of awcodes/table-repeater and taken the code from it. Here i shared my custom table repeatable entry codes it works perfectly. But i actually i want table footers with sum of the columns so i created the Footer Class with the reference of awcodes/table-repeater Header class. But for the sum of the columns i extends the Footer class with Filament\Support\Components\Component; and i chained method default with closure and try to access the getState in blade file i end up with laravel error page
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