Table Toggle Column Issue in v3.2.131
In the provided video, the toggle column not works correctly in simple resources like Processing Fee Categories but in database value changed
In normal resource with view page like Branches toggle column works correctly
In Previous Version 3.2.110, their is no issues how to fix this in latest version
9 Replies
It sounds like you have a different function for the status column and one is returning a false so the status isn't showing updated
namespace App\Concerns\Component;
use App\Enums\StatusEnum;
use Filament\Tables\Columns;
use Filament\Forms\Components as FormComponents;
use Filament\Infolists\Components as InfolistComponents;
trait Status
protected static function statusToggleFormComponent() : FormComponents\Field {
return FormComponents\Toggle::make('status')
protected static function statusBadgeColumnComponent() : Columns\Column {
return Columns\BadgeColumn::make('status')
protected static function statusToggleColumnComponent(bool | \Closure $visibleCondition = true) : Columns\Column {
return Columns\ToggleColumn::make('status')
->toggleable(isToggledHiddenByDefault: true)
->afterStateUpdated(fn() => \Helpers::toast(
title: ('general.success_message.status_update'),
color: 'success'
protected static function statusBadgeInfolistComponent() : InfolistComponents\Entry {
return InfolistComponents\TextEntry::make('status')
->color(fn(int $state): string => StatusEnum::tryFrom($state)->getColor())
->formatStateUsing(fn(int $state): string => StatusEnum::tryFrom($state)->getLabel());
i am using trait's statusToggleColumnComponent method wherever i need status toggle column
i am using this same trait in version 3.2.110 it works
Do both models cast the same?
No, Thanks for your help i forgot that now i fixed it
i have a doubt i'm created the status column as boolean type in mysql and cast as StatusEnum in model that will not work how to do that? @toeknee
It's expected to be a status boolean, what does StatusEnum return? if it's boolean, then it's fine... But toggleColumn expects boolean.
namespace App\Enums;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasColor;
use Filament\Support\Contracts\HasLabel;
enum StatusEnum: int implements HasLabel, HasColor
case Enable = 1;
case Disable = 0;
public function getLabel(): ?string {
return match ($this) {
self::Enable => 'Enabled',
self::Disable => 'Disabled',
public function getColor(): string | array | null {
return match ($this) {
self::Enable => 'success',
self::Disable => 'danger',
public function getAllValues() : array {
return array_column(self::cases(), 'value');
i am using this enum for the casting but it doesn't works
No because you are casing it as 1/0 not true/false
review how the laravel boolean cast works and implement that
Ok Thanks