


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Using filament styles outside of the resource

Hi, how can I use filament styles in my app.blade.php? I want to use tables, forms with livewire components but outside the panel and I don't know how to import the styles into app.blade.php. Currently I see the components but without any style.

Notification send before observer creating function is executed

Hello everyone! I have an observer on my model to make un order number during the creating event, but the notification which is suppose to include the order number is send without it (i suppose that the order number is not yet ready when the notification is send) Does anyone have any idea how to correct this behaviour ?...

Save a form as one json object (to one field) without dot notations?

Basically this: But instead of TextInput::make(''), it's just TextInput::make('name'), and the "json_field" is basically the whole form so my model only needs 1 JSON field to save the whole form data....
I'll look into it, thanks :D

Grid columns on pagelevel

I have an infolist and a form on the same page. How can I implement a grid for the whole page, so that the replyform is lining up in the same grid as the infolist? Is it possible to add the grid (or group::make) to the livewire view?
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Help me to select address from address list in modal

I have created
class AddressForm extends Field
class AddressForm extends Field
in this Created an action ```...

Select live update problem

I have one Select component and 1 component that I created with ViewField. Here, when the value I selected with Select is updated, the address variable in ViewField is updated accordingly. The problem is, each option I select is replaced by the value of the previous option I selected. I have tried many methods and could not find a solution. This is the first time it happens to me. I wonder where am I doing wrong?...
Change the view to be with a getter ```php Section::make('Address Details') ->columnSpan(3)...

Animate Notification Badge \ icon

Anyone know\done something like a pulse animation on the badge or icon for the notifications when there are unread notifications? I can hook into the .fi-topbar-database-notifications-btn class to with animate-pulse, but no idea how to make that conditional on whether unread notifications are > 0...

Question: How to automatically trigger an export when a model's status changes?

I'm trying to automatically generate an export whenever a model's status attribute changes to a specific value, without using Filament's export action. I want to use the same 'exporter' class as the output has been approved by the client. For example, when the status changes to "completed", I'd like to trigger the export process. A notification when the export is generated would be nice but isn't required. I'm looking for guidance on how to programmatically trigger Filament's export functionality. Has anyone implemented something similar or can point me in the right direction?...

Trying to change export action position with render hook

tried to use this code inside AppServiceProvider but did not worked. i know that i need to use which render hook name but did not understand how to find export action view thing, anyone have any idea about it ? I guess problem is about view name but could not find export action view name. FilamentView::registerRenderHook( TablesRenderHook::TOOLBAR_SEARCH_AFTER, fn(): View=> view('filament-actions::export.label'),...

Action Modal - inside user menu

I'm trying to add an Action with modal form inside e user menu. The button appear, but the modal doesn't open ```php...

Unsure if plugin exists or how I'd do this if one doesn't

We have ingested an Excel spreadsheet's worth of users into our app. As one would expect, many of the fields are missing for various users. What we'd like to do is make it so that upon their next login, if any of these fields are currently null, they will be forced to go to their profile page to fill them out before they may continue using the site. I don't need my hand held if a plugin like this doesn't exist, but I am still fairly new to Filament, so if you can even just point me in the general direction of intercepting a call to the dashboard, that should probably get me going. I looked through the docs and couldn't find anything that seemed to match my searching, but maybe I just wasn't using the correct terms? Thanks!...
Ok for anyone who ends up finding this in the future, I ended up making a middleware that checks if any of the fields are null (and that they're not currently trying to access the profile edit page), and if so, redirects them to the profile edit page.

Create & create another button is still enabled

Problem description I have two observation If the internet is slow and you upload a video and when it's still not 100% uploaded the Create button is clickable ...

Cluster page canAccess is being run when not going to that route.

Hello, I'm baffled why canAccess is being run in a cluster page app/Filament/Clusters/Connections/Pages/Connect.php When my route is app/Filament/Pages/Profile.php ...

Using Flux UI on Custom Page

Has anyone been able to integrate Caleb Porzio's Flux UI into a custom page? I think the main issue is how to get @fluxStyles into the head and @fluxScripts into the body of the Filament layout? Any ideas?...

How do I only display data related to the model loaded into the panel?

Alright, i know this has been discussed before, but I am having difficulty finding the resources again. I am trying to use Filament to handle the settings pages for my users and groups in my project. I'll just discuss groups since the concept is the same in both. I created a GroupPanelprovider, So first question is where do i limit this to only display the information related to the group. ...

How to close Modal after action run

I have this ‘Glance’ Action on the appointment table which show a modal with the infolist. At the footer of the modal I have added two action buttons ‘Approve’ and ‘Reject’. I want to close the modal which was opened by glance action when user either click on approve or reject action button. Which is not happening now. After click action is running but not closing Modal. How can I manage that? P.S Dont know how to paste my code here....
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Repeater DeleteAction

Repater context why visible is called twice? the first time without $activeItem. ...
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Reset input search

How can I delete the search field from the table? Is there a way to interact with this input?
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Add part of filament in external Page

Hello, We already build a custom web-page made with bootstrap 5 where we would like to embed filament in some parts of the page. It could be on a edit page directly or within a popup....

Terminal component

Is there a plugin or a way to create a server terminal page using filament? I don't need it to be complex, just look like a terminal where I can see logs.