


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.

JRJean Roumeau5/3/2024

Validate import before inserting records.

Hello. I'm playing around with import actions to see if it suits my needs. Do yo know if its possible to validate the CSV before inserting data in the database?. I need to be able to cancel de import if data is invalid....

Dont Reset Field

How do I prevent any field from resetting after the form is submitted?

How do I programatically log into filament?

My Filament has resource pages for admins and non-admins. - I have a user resource and a table-action to impersonate users. I am using this code: ``` Tables\Actions\Action::make('Impersonate') ->icon('heroicon-o-user') ->color('info')...

Importing a module script failed.

Hello everyone, I have the following problem, it breaks the JS script completely because of this, the page stops working, it is played only on the prod, can someone tell me which way to Google?
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RelationManager create has related model fields, best way to edit related model fields in Edit?

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out if there's a better way of doing this. In a nutshell I have Asset, AssetVariant, SKU, and Price models. An Asset can contain multiple Variants. Asset has a Asset Resource, with a relationmanager for Variants. ...

Relationship Manager: Open in same window (non-modal)

Say I have a UserResource and a PostResource. When I add a PostRelationManager, it opens posts in a modal. How can we make it display the full page Post instead of modal? PostRelationManager:...

Open url in modal action

Hello, I am trying to open an url with parameters in a table modal. I want to open and modal, ask the user to write the message and then send it. So far I have the next code but I do not know how to make it work. ```...

How to change color palette dynamically

My application is multitenant and I would like to change the color palettes according to the client, I currently change them in the serviceprovider, could anyone help me how to change the dynamic pain
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MCMark Chaney5/3/2024

Custom ValidationMessages for minDate/maxDate

I have tried the following, but the html5 validation still shows the default browser error. Do i need to about it differently? ```php DatePicker::configureUsing(function (DatePicker $datePicker) { return $datePicker->minDate(Carbon::createFromDate(1500, 1, 1)) ->maxDate(now()->addYears(9)) ->validationMessages([...

Modal action

How can I do this in a modal window, since there is no ->columns() option
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Repeater and auto-increment field

I have a form with a repeater and I have a field for the number of the element. I want that field to be prefilled and created whenever clicking the 'Add' button. I got the maximum number from DB and prefilled the field(the label), but it won't apply to the next element until I save the last one. ...
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Build not picking up my Theme CSS

I've added this plugin and I'm updating the card view. I've published the views and added the path to my tailwind.config.js nad also tried adding the classes to the safelist but the classes are not being applied. Can anyone see anything obvious that I'm missing or experiences similar Resources structure in attached screen grab...
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MarkdownEditor not recognising input

I have a Form with a Markdown Editor, it is a required field. When I enter some text and try to save the form, it says it is a required field, completely ignoring my input. If I change the input to a Text field it works fine.

Custom Save Button for Create/Edit with Disable on FileUpload

Hello Filament Friends, I have a problem with implementing different Save Buttons. My process should be such that the Save buttons determine whether an entry is active or not (published). So, my implementation has several buttons below the form, including "Save" and "Activate and Save." I'm not sure if my implementation is good. Depending on which button is pressed, I adjust data, like this: ```PHP Action::make('saveAndActivate')...

Image Gallery On Modal like ImageColumn

I have to make an image selector to which I pass a collection like this ImageProduct::all() where customers select images and then they are passed to a PDF as an array....

How can I add fields to / extend a resource from a plugin

I want to add a form field to an existing module/plugin we are using. I already tried extending the class and overwriting the form method but thats not working. Any idea how this could be done?

I can't land home page.

When I install the database and try to land homepage, I fails.
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Attachments concept tips

Hello everyone, this is my first post so sorry if I make some mistakes. I've some entities that have attachments and others that may have other ones . My consideration (also doubt) is: is it better considering a db table where all the attachments converge therefore thinking a FileUpload component that manage morphTo relations, or manage each attachment as a field of that specific model?...

Is it possible to have tabs that look like sub-navigation?

I want to have an edit page where I can change form by tabs that have the styling from sub-navigations. Is It possible?

How I can enable the Relation Manager Action in view mode?

Normally, it is new action button is seen when it is in Edit mode. For user experience I would like to enable it in view mode. Please advise how I could do this. #crreataction #relationmanager
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