Jamie Cee
slow performance and 500 errors with large data
I've looked over older questions and just want to clarify if this is something to be optimized in v4?
In my loadtest I have 20,000 users, and it returns a 500 error. And if I downset to around 15,000 users, the page will load but runs extremely slow.
Is there anything available to optimize that I may be missing?
56 replies
Unable to interact with last record of table, or the pagination when using large amounts of data.
I say "large" but current only have 69 records in the table.
I can interact with the actions on every other record, except the last record. And I am unable to change the value of 'perPage' either. Any ideas?
6 replies
Policies for ManageRelatedRecords only
So in my Model, I have a class that extends ManageRelatedRecords, and is for managing users under that model.
I only want to allow the attaching and detaching under that Model, but still hiding access to users as a whole navigation, which I cant do, even when in the Manager class, I define the canViewAny method
3 replies
MorphToMany Select Relationship
Im getting completely frazzled with MorphToMany setup in a select instance.
I have a User that Morphs to Many Organisation and Product. Im trying to merge the items into a single Select, and I have it working, except when trying to edit a user, I cant get it to show the already existing records as already selected values.
I found this function
I can get the array of ids, but im not sure what im missing at displaying them as the selected values
5 replies
Loading indicator on a custom action with alpineClickHandler
My action process is ran with alpinejs component rather than a submit action
But I want to display a loading indicator while it goes through the flow, but cant seem to find a way to show the indicator.
The blade is rendering just with
{{$this->securityKeyAction}} rather than blade components for the button etc
6 replies
Struggling to find how to trigger a loader
So I want to trigger a loader when I press a toggle button and the state is true. But I cant seem to find anywhere on what the target must be set. Calling a function name doesn't seem to be working, nor a variable name?
7 replies
Feedback on FullCalendar Plugin
Just initially looking into available plugins for a use case that would be a booking system with calendar integration to select available slots with particular instructors.
Has anyone had similar exposure to the FullCalendar with a similar use case? And able to share your experience with it, was there any complications etc
8 replies
Laracasts Alpine code in an action
Im following a guide on laracasts and im at a point for it has a form component, and has attributes for: x-data, x-on:submit.prevent.
I am wondering if I can use a custom action to call the alpinejs function from my app.js file, rather than creating a new blade file etc
Bit lost trying to find this in the docs?
41 replies