Filamentā€¢5d ago
Jamie Cee

Calling a custom page from a function

I am extending the default passport oauth2 flow and want to customize the view, in which I want to stick with filaments design. So I create a page class, and then in my function, I need to know how to return the page etc
public function toResponse($request)
return (new OAuthAuthorizationPage($this->parameters))->render();
public function toResponse($request)
return (new OAuthAuthorizationPage($this->parameters))->render();
I have this currently, and it goes to the blade file, but doesn't detect any of my variables which I set in the mount
public function mount(Request $request)
$this->clientName = $request->client->name ?? 'Unknown App';
$this->scopes = $request->scopes ?? [];
$this->state = $request->state;
$this->clientId = $request->client->getKey();
$this->authToken = $request->authToken;
public function mount(Request $request)
$this->clientName = $request->client->name ?? 'Unknown App';
$this->scopes = $request->scopes ?? [];
$this->state = $request->state;
$this->clientId = $request->client->getKey();
$this->authToken = $request->authToken;
2 Replies
Jamie Cee
Jamie CeeOPā€¢5d ago
If I try this approach
public function toResponse($request)
// return (new OAuthAuthorizationPage($this->parameters))->render();
// Merge the parameters into the request, so they're available in mount()

// Instantiate the page using Filament's make() method, which ensures lifecycle methods like mount() are called
$page = new OAuthAuthorizationPage();


// Render the page
return $page->render();
public function toResponse($request)
// return (new OAuthAuthorizationPage($this->parameters))->render();
// Merge the parameters into the request, so they're available in mount()

// Instantiate the page using Filament's make() method, which ensures lifecycle methods like mount() are called
$page = new OAuthAuthorizationPage();


// Render the page
return $page->render();
I get Using $this when not in object context My page
class OAuthAuthorizationPage extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-key';
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.passport-authorize';

public ?string $clientName = null;
public ?array $scopes = [];
public ?string $state = null;
public ?string $clientId = null;
public ?string $authToken = null;

public function mount(Request $request)
$this->clientName = $request->client->name ?? 'Unknown App';
$this->scopes = $request->scopes ?? [];
$this->state = $request->state;
$this->clientId = $request->client->getKey();
$this->authToken = $request->authToken;

public function approve()
$response = redirect()->route('passport.authorizations.approve', [
'state' => $this->state,
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'auth_token' => $this->authToken,

Notification::make()->title('Access Granted')->success()->send();
return $response;

public function deny()
$response = redirect()->route('passport.authorizations.deny', [
'state' => $this->state,
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'auth_token' => $this->authToken,

Notification::make()->title('Access Denied')->warning()->send();
return $response;
class OAuthAuthorizationPage extends Page
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-key';
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.passport-authorize';

public ?string $clientName = null;
public ?array $scopes = [];
public ?string $state = null;
public ?string $clientId = null;
public ?string $authToken = null;

public function mount(Request $request)
$this->clientName = $request->client->name ?? 'Unknown App';
$this->scopes = $request->scopes ?? [];
$this->state = $request->state;
$this->clientId = $request->client->getKey();
$this->authToken = $request->authToken;

public function approve()
$response = redirect()->route('passport.authorizations.approve', [
'state' => $this->state,
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'auth_token' => $this->authToken,

Notification::make()->title('Access Granted')->success()->send();
return $response;

public function deny()
$response = redirect()->route('passport.authorizations.deny', [
'state' => $this->state,
'client_id' => $this->clientId,
'auth_token' => $this->authToken,

Notification::make()->title('Access Denied')->warning()->send();
return $response;
protected function getFormSchema(): array
return [

protected function getActions(): array
return [


public function getViewData(): array
return [
'clientName' => $this->clientName,
'scopes' => $this->scopes,
'state' => $this->state,
'clientId' => $this->clientId,
'authToken' => $this->authToken,
protected function getFormSchema(): array
return [

protected function getActions(): array
return [


public function getViewData(): array
return [
'clientName' => $this->clientName,
'scopes' => $this->scopes,
'state' => $this->state,
'clientId' => $this->clientId,
'authToken' => $this->authToken,
toekneeā€¢5d ago
$this means it doesn't exist in the method you are using it. toResponse wouldn't have $this->parameters You need to work out what $this->parameters is

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