Need a help in custom page with table

I created a ViewDayBookDetails custom page : class ViewDayBookDetails extends Page implements HasTable { use HasPageShield; use InteractsWithTable; use Concerns\Component\SerialNumber; protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.view-day-book-details'; public function mount() { if (! request()->has('date') && ! request()->filled('date')) { Toast::error(title: ('custom_pages.view_day_book_details.error_message.date_required')); return back()->withInput(); } } public function getTitle(): string { return ('custom_pages.view_day_book_details.title', ['date', request('date')]); } public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table ->query(static::getEloquentQuery()) ->columns([ static::serialNumberColumnComponent(), ]); } public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder { $date = Carbon::parse(request('date'))->toDateString(); return TransactionDetail::query() ->with(['modelable']) ->whereDate('created_at', $date); } } From Another Resource Table Action: TableActions\Action::make('view_day_book_details') ->label(__('day_book.table.action_buttons.view_day_book_details')) ->icon('heroicon-m-eye') ->url(fn(Model $record) => ViewDayBookDetails::getUrl(parameters: ['date' => $record->created_at->format('Y-m-d')])) In ViewDayBookDetails custom page request('date') return null , I inspect the network tab the filament triggers two xhr request for the first request getTitle() shows the date but the second request removes the date
1 Reply
Parthiban N
Parthiban NOP2w ago
i found why it was happens, because i enable defer loading globally so first page loaded and then table loads, so how to use date from request query string in table loads

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