ChartJS custom tooltip positioner
To add a plugin to chartjs as Filament docs say I use the filamentChartJsPlugins array. Id like also to register a cutsom positioner for the tooltip. As chartJS doc I must hook into Tooltip object. Is that possible to do this with Filament ?
ChartJS doc example to add a custom positoner:
2 replies
Failed to lazy load a column in a table
I have a custom column that lazy load a livewire component. But it still wait 7 seconds before seeing the table appear on screen. Have you ever lazy load a column in a FIlament table ?
and its view lazy loads a livewire component
Livewire component lazy loaded
2 replies
Lazy load a custom column in a table
I display a Model in a table and all of its columns are model attributes that are stored in the DB so the table loads instantly. Now I need to display a computed attribute that requires an api call to an external service that takes 2s approxiamtively. Id like to lazy load only the column displaying that attribute.
I was thinking doing like this
But is Livewire Filament\Tables\Columns\Column is that a Livewire component ? Or its possible to make CustomStatus a Livewire component ?
2 replies
Button Edit Action disappear after first click
Button Edit from my ViewResource header always disapear after first click (see video attached). On the client side I have this error on the console from Morph.js . I can't figure out what's happened. It happens on other part of my UI. Also its only in production where I use FrankenPHP. The livewire/update request retuns a 200 with the button present in the Livewire response. Morph dom seem to fail to morph the dom accordingly ? Any ideas of this issue ?
32 replies
Relation Manager Alpine Expression Error: selectedRecords is not defined
On the frontend in my relation manager I have an alpine error:
Filament version: v3.2.114 (latest)
Livewire version: v3.5.6
Here is my relation manager code:
4 replies
unique rule from filament is case sensitive ?
I dont't know if it's a filament issue and how to fix it but I have a
rule applied to the form field name
. But the name
"John" is considered similar to "john" and similar to "jóhn" I dont want that. Id like them to be considered different ! Thanks you . Filament is awesome btw!3 replies
Livewire components that implements HasForms can have multiple forms ?
How I can have multiple forms in a custom Livewire component that implements HasForms ?
This Is my component and in my view I use {{ $this->form }} to render the form. I need a form for FirstModel AND SecondModel. Thanks you. Filament is awesome btw !
4 replies
FIlament Blade components outside filament. Change default primary color
I am using some filament blade components outside Filament, in a classical blade template.
So in my app layout blade file I added Filament styles:
Everything works fine but how to change the primary color. I want to change the default yellow color for the components when setting 'primary' on the components color attribute. Thanks you. Filament is awesome by the way !
9 replies
Unconventional Pivot table name. How to tell the Relation manager to use this table name ?
I have a many to many relationship between my Customer Model and Chatter Model and a Pivot class unconventionaly named ChattingInstance. I created a RelationManager for the CustomerResource named ChattersRelationManager but the DB request failed because it tries to use the conventional table name for the Pivot class which should be name chatter_customer. How I can force to use the right table name which is 'chatting_instances' ?
6 replies
Adding z-30 class to the slideover
I need to add a z-30 class to the SlideOver to make the slideOver in front of another element which is has an inferior z index. Publishing the view is not a good practice. Is there another way ? If not is the correct file to override the exsiting slideOver blade file is to place at views/vendor/filament-support/components/modal/index.php in my current project ? or its not fhis file?
Thnaks you.
3 replies