ToggleButtons default not working
afterStateHydrated is called on the component during its first lifecycle and $state is null so it sets $component->state([]) at the end of the function to an empty array overrding defaut state defined in the components builder
8 replies
Button Edit Action disappear after first click
I will try to investigate more to find the precise reason but yes it's very odd ! For the moment I will just try to never launch the two Laravel app at the same time as a workaround. (docker start order) .
32 replies
Button Edit Action disappear after first click
i will try to add
to some of the commands if they are isolatable
. I restarted the two laravel app (one by one) and not at same time and it works fine now. The issue araised when they are start at same time.32 replies
Button Edit Action disappear after first click
When a command is marked as Isolatable, Laravel will automatically add an --isolated option to the command. When the command is invoked with that option, Laravel will ensure that no other instances of that command are already running. Laravel accomplishes this by attempting to acquire an atomic lock using your application's default cache driver. If other instances of the command are running, the command will not execute; however, the command will still exit with a successful exit status code:
32 replies
Button Edit Action disappear after first click
OK I might investigate this. THanks you for your time. I just noticed right now that all my containers restarted in the same time a few hours ago and the bug happended right after. Same last time. Your guess seems right. On update containers starts one after each other (Docker Swarm rolling update). But on VPS reboot they all start together. This is my startup script
32 replies