Created by Hedi on 1/16/2025 in #❓┊help
Showing a different tables by choosing the tab?
hello, i have a ProductResource, but i want to have a StockResource (which shows the amount of products the user has) in the same page, but switch between the tables using a tab, is tab possible?
2 replies
Created by Hedi on 1/10/2025 in #❓┊help
conditionally show editForm in Select
hello, i have a table that holds names, the user_id in the Name might be null which means it's a default Name, but users can create their own names and edit them. but i don't want the default names to be editable, how can i hide the editForm when the user_id is null? i haven't been able to come up with an idea
->relationship('name', 'name')
->relationship('name', 'name')
here's what i have so far, thanks in advance!
3 replies
Created by Hedi on 12/29/2024 in #❓┊help
auto refresh filament page when changing code?
hello, i'm using vite and filamentphp, but when i edit something, say for example adding a form component, i have to manually go back to the browser and refresh the page. is this auto refresh not supported in filament or am i doing something wrong? here's my vite.config.js file
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"; //add this line
import { resolve } from "path"; // Import the resolve function from 'path'
import AutoImport from "unplugin-auto-import/vite";
import laravel, { refreshPaths } from "laravel-vite-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {
root: resolve(__dirname, "resources"), // Use resolve() to get the correct path
plugins: [
vue(), // write this
input: ["resources/css/app.css", "resources/js/app.js"],
//refresh: true,
refresh: [...refreshPaths, "app/Livewire/**"],
/* options */
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"; //add this line
import { resolve } from "path"; // Import the resolve function from 'path'
import AutoImport from "unplugin-auto-import/vite";
import laravel, { refreshPaths } from "laravel-vite-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
resolve: {
alias: {
root: resolve(__dirname, "resources"), // Use resolve() to get the correct path
plugins: [
vue(), // write this
input: ["resources/css/app.css", "resources/js/app.js"],
//refresh: true,
refresh: [...refreshPaths, "app/Livewire/**"],
/* options */
3 replies
Created by Hedi on 12/28/2024 in #❓┊help
make pages load with progressbar?
No description
10 replies
Created by Hedi on 12/22/2024 in #❓┊help
how do i force a locale on a specific panel?
hello, i know app.php contains locale, but i want the admin panel to be forced to english despite the app.php config. is that possible?
3 replies
Created by Hedi on 12/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Failed to extract the request port. Ensure the log line contains a valid port: [Wed Dec 18 18:57:35
No description
15 replies
Created by Hedi on 3/9/2024 in #❓┊help
file upload takes too long and ends up with an error
hello, when i try to upload a large file (100mb) this happens. it rotates for a couple seocnds, then the rotation disappears and after a couple minutes the upload fails with "error during upload". this is my code
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
small files works fine, this only happens with large files. thank you in advance!
3 replies
Created by Hedi on 3/7/2024 in #❓┊help
use record id in fileAttachmentsDirectory
hello, i have this code
inside this richeditor, i wnat to upload the attachments into the posts/postId/ is this possible?
2 replies