The model does not have a relationship named [team]
The model [App\Models\Backup] does not have a relationship named [team]. You can change the relationship being used by passing it to the [ownershipRelationship] argument of the [tenant()] method in configuration. You can change the relationship being used per-resource by setting it as the [$tenantOwnershipRelationshipName] static property on the [App\Filament\Resources\BackupResource] resource class.
The model [App\Models\Backup] does not have a relationship named [team]. You can change the relationship being used by passing it to the [ownershipRelationship] argument of the [tenant()] method in configuration. You can change the relationship being used per-resource by setting it as the [$tenantOwnershipRelationshipName] static property on the [App\Filament\Resources\BackupResource] resource class.
Sidebar action modal
Custom Rule - Current record?
I have an excess of queries in my Filament Table.
tiptap editor + modal + block
Need help with installing.
$get() not finding fields
widget width "$columnSpan = 'full';" doesn't work with blade-templates
How can I get the parent Resource from RelationManager class?
class, which has the ContactRelationManager
In the Create/Edit/List pages of the UserResource
, I can use method like: self::getResource()
to point to the UserResource
So, from the ContactRelationManager
class, how can I get the full path of the UserResource
class?...Change fi-section class "p-6" to "pt-6"
Alpine js error, navigation group
Relation manager with pivot table doesn't show pivot table field values when edit
Select with Relationship showing no output
Fileupload does not trigger camera on mobile CHROME
Global to refresh on change though.
->afterStateUpdated(function (Component $livewire) {
...TipTap Editor
Help with Global Search in Filament Relation Manager without a Resource
I have a
that contains a PcoFormSubmissionsRelationManager
, there is no standalone Filament Resource for PcoFormSubmissionsResource
. I want to enable the global search feature in FilamentPHP to search and retrieve the values of these form submissions by way of the submissionValues
What I did:- If the
had its own Filament Resource, I would typically use protected static ?string $recordTitleAttribute = 'submissionValues';
to make it searchable....$recordRouteKeyName does not apply to table row on-click and edit action
protected static ?string $recordRouteKeyName = 'uid';
(which is a public identifier in favor of incremental identifier) on my Product resource.
now works as expected, but the table row and EditAction
both still link to
What am I missing here?...Share state between nested modal
Problem with Custom Form-Field Table in Filament Resource Form