


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


emptyStateHeading and emptyStateDescription not working in RelationManager tables

Good evening, I'm trying to change the heading and description on a relation manager empty table and using these function does not work. Is it supposed to or a bug? If it is, how could i change these without the functions? Thanks you in advance...
it was supposed to work if you are using this to the relation manager class ```php return $table ->emptyStateHeading('xxx')...

How to get actually theme on filament

Hello, I would like to get the current color of the filament, is there any way within DashboardAdmin.php?
solution ->

Override Reset Password Laravel Basic Template

Hi, I'm using this plugin by visualbuilder I want to override the basic laravel reset password email template by template that i created on that plugin. I've follow all the step but the basic email always coming....

Extra Class for Table Row

Is it possible to add a extra class based on the attribute in a row for the whole row? To mark them with a color for example?

direction of the table filter

how to change the direction of the table filter, I can't use use extraAttributes for it, to set it flex what should is do ? looking filter created from , created until look different...
Have you tried using form layout components?
*Filament\Forms\Components\Grid * should work inside the form() method ```->form([ Filament\Forms\Components\Grid:make([...
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widget chart size problem

my chart widget has
of chart at the bottom side, but there is space i want to just be chart and bottom of this chart center be ids there is just free spaces which i dont want there is my code:
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Modal Form Submission - Exit After Submission

Hey folks, is there a way to ensure that the modal doesn't exit when you press "Submit" on the form? I'm wanting to fetch some content via an API, then display it there. Thanks in advance!
Build a cutom save action which saves and refreshes. Or have a wizard, on next if passes validation, save and on save, review the result?

underscore action name

Is it possible to have underscores in an action name, as that seems to prevent my action from working and just refreshes the page? key_name for example...

Conditionally show widget based on record

Is it possible to show widget conditionally based on the record. I know there is canView function but it is static and therefore has no access to $this->record at that point Thank you for all your help!...

Hiding Create form buttons untill the last step of a Wizard

Hello everyone, im trying to use a wizard to create an item in a resource, but i would like the form buttons like create and create another to only be visible when on the last step of the wizard. I've tried a lot of solutions but none of them seem to work. Anyone got an idea on how to do it? Thank you in advance!!...
Basically, if you need to hide the form buttons, you can use the HasWizard trait ( props @Leandro Ferreira) and then create the getSteps function in your record handler class (Create/EditPage). This function returns the steps your wizard has to the form and uses the handleRecordCreation/Update method, if you have overriden it, it uses your logic, or else it uses the default, to display a button on the last step of...

Spatie Translatable - Checkbox list

Hello everyone. I am using the "Spatie Translatable" package in the project. When I use the "Checkbox list" the texts are not visible. Where am I doing wrong? Thank you
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unable to log in

Hello, good afternoon everyone. I would like to ask about my project that I'm working on. I have an error in Filament where when I try to log in, there is a console message like the one shown above. Please provide me with a solution, everyone, so that the login can work properly.
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Does php artisan queue:work will work automatically in hostinger?

I created a database notification, on local I need to execute the command to receive notification. I wonder if it will work automatically in the hosting?

Issue: Disappearing Button on Dashboard Stat Widget

I'm trying to add a button labeled "Fix Errors" to a Stat widget on the dashboard. The goal is to have this button trigger a public function when clicked, which then executes a command to fix the errors. However, I'm encountering an issue where the button disappears after it is clicked, even though the function is called correctly. Can someone help me figure out why the button is disappearing and how to prevent it? Below is the code, I'm using and I've also attached the code php file and a screenshot for reference. ```...
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I have created a new resource, in the partner panel but it does not appear in the display

I created a new panel called Partner, when I created a new resource with a command like this php artisan make:filament-resource PartnerUser --generate the resource was successfully created but why doesn't it appear in the Partner panel?...
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Render tag inside RichEditor content

Hello everyone, I need to render a custom code lets say this div. If I add this in rich editor and render the content with {!! !!}, the div is not behaving like I want. It should become a html code so it can modified by javascript in the frontend. Can anyone give a clue on how to achieve this? Thank you....
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Required validation on Select shows native browser error

Not sure if this is by design or if I'm missing something obvious here. I'm expecting red error text to appear due to the required validation rule, but I just see this pop-up instead.
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Table's Query Builder is not shown shown in full width

I have a resource, which has a table, and I added filter inside using the QueryBuilder, as follows: ```php // ... ->filters([...
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any plugin to create something like image attached?

its possible to create this inside a form? all info came from a table in mysql
Create a ViewField and just render it yourself.
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remove borders from section?

its possible to remove borders from section ? attached image
you can use Group or Grid if you dont want the style of the section or use css to override it and unset the border...
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