Created by Matthew on 6/27/2024 in #❓┊help
Straw Poll - migration\merge or rebuild ?
I have bee experimenting with filament on some elements of an extensive existing SAAS product. Mainly as we have been asked to massively increase the scope of the product. I'm sold. The dev time to create features is decimated. The existing system is modern, on TALL latest version, high coding standards, a lot of Command, Handler, Validation split etc, over 1500 individual tests. It is also quite specific, no plugins etc. Question is we take our existing system, and lay it on top of Panels, integrate and replace as we go along. Or do we start from scratch, perhaps just preserving our models etc? Apart from the authentication, (which I think you change to the panel preferred method from the outset), and the existing landing dashboard...could we easily incorporate existing forms and routes that are specific and will take time to re-build in filament. They also work well, so there would be no rush. Or, is trying to run traditional Laravel assets within a Panel environment a proper PIA ? I totally get, the answer is depends....but If you've got any thoughts, experiences, or can point to any resources discussing this, be much appreciated.
2 replies
Created by Matthew on 6/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Filter checkbox for 'hidden' records
Can anyone help point me in the direction of some documentation or resource to help with adding an additional checkbox filter to the tables. I have a boolean field, (isDisabled), to indicate a record is 'hidden\disabled' . In an ideal world, I'd have a checkbox adjacent to the 'filter' button, defaulted to checked, with a label "Exclude hidden\disabled". This would introduce the relevant query to exclude the hidden records, and obviously ignore this part of the query when user unchecks.
7 replies
Created by Matthew on 6/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Infolist, returning acccessor data from the model
Good Afternoon, I've searched the documentation on this, and I must be missing it...but how do you call a model method to display in an infolist. For example, I have a client model with a method getFullAddress(). How do I call that within the public static function infolist(Infolist $infoList) : Infolist to return that accessor within a make line ? Thanks for takign the time to read.
4 replies