Help me to select address from address list in modal
There is a complexity in having the list of addresses in a modal. Easier to have them in a select dropdown, which can be searchable.
Then using ($get and $set), you can populate your address element from the selected drop down.
7 replies
Limit max selected records on bulk table
It's a bit difficult, without knowing the parameters of your project. But all these tools, be it Filament, Vue, React etc, are tools. They aren't magic wands, or catch all solutions.
You seem to be suggesting that anything over 100 records is an that the bulk action , or just the rendering?
If it is the rendering, then you're trying to do something too complex, and you need to re-visit your data structure. What is slowing you down is likely to be back end. All frameworks are guilty of treating the database engine like a magic black box, but it's not, and if you are causing all sorts of table scans and complex joins, then it will suffer.
Have you profiled the sql queries?
I would be looking at how common these bulk updates are. If they are very regular, then maybe a design revisit is needed.
If they are occasional, then I might be tempted to build a more custom resource that only pulls back the data needed for update purposes, and I'd also have a handler controlling the update, so I could specify the updated fields, and possibly convert to bulk update queries.
29 replies
Badge size chainable infolist
Had to go back and check, but yes, although you need a custom theme:
Add a class to your css, something like:
then add
->extraAttributes(['class' => 'f-large-badge'])
method to your element.
My naming conventions may be confusing. 'fi-' are the filament native classes you can hook into. 'f-' is just our way of determining custom classes designated for fi components. You can call that bit whatever you want.8 replies
Table Action labels on small displays
You can try the stack method, as that places the actions below the rows, but it also loses the column heading, so unless your column data is very obvious, it can make it confusing.
Unless anyone has a method of getting the column heading info into the stack?
4 replies
Form to PDF
@toeknee Thanks for supplying this. It is similar to what I am doing, but I have an issue with the extensive CSS from filament and the other locations not being available.
Other than creating the css and making them statically available (not keen), have you found a way around that ?
@SoraKeyheart , does go anyway to solve the CSS issue?
10 replies