Animate Notification Badge \ icon
Anyone know\done something like a pulse animation on the badge or icon for the notifications when there are unread notifications?
I can hook into the
class to with animate-pulse
, but no idea how to make that conditional on whether unread notifications are > 06 Replies
Can't be the only person that has thought about this?
You can just override the notification badge/icon view?
Shall look into, thanks.
I've had a look, and overriding a view means publishing the views, and is highly discouraged.
Have I understood this correctly, or are you meaning sometihng else ?
Publishing the views is generally oke if you do it for simple parts.
I had a mess around with a pure css approach and I produced this monstrosity lol
It works but Idk if you should use it π
It works!
Can't see it doing much harm, unless it breaks due to a change in the body tag.
Thanks very much Dan !