Rick Doetinchem
Rick Doetinchem
Created by Rick Doetinchem on 2/19/2025 in #❓┊help
How to format price in form?
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 2/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Enum, select and relationship
I have two tables. The first table, orders contains a relationship to the table products. Under the table products, the status of the product is stored as 1 = in stock, 2 = out of stock, 3 = no longer available. An enum is used to convert the integer 1, 2 or 3 into a label. This works fine in the products resource , but how can I get this done in the orders resource? There I now have a select field which shows the values 1, 2 or 3 based on the relationship. But I want to extract the integer values from the relationship and then use the enum to convert the values to labels. How do you do that with a select in combination with a relationship?
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 1/18/2025 in #❓┊help
Routes in Filament
It seems that routes in filament are stored decentrally in the vendor files. I find them with php artisan route:list. But how to create a workable situation with this? Isn't it much more convenient to define the routes in web.php? Does anyone know where I can find documentation about this? I have not found it on the filament website.
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 12/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Relational data in Infolist is not shown
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 12/24/2024 in #❓┊help
Richeditor undefined error
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 12/20/2024 in #❓┊help
Grid columns on pagelevel
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Created by Rick Doetinchem on 12/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Fetch relational data in custom page
How can I fetch the relational data in personable.full_name? public function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema([ TextInput::make('title') ->autofocus() ->required(), TextInput::make('personable.full_name') ->required(), ]) ->statePath('data') ->model($this->ticket); } public Ticket $ticket; public function mount(int | string $record): void { $this->ticket = Ticket::findOrFail($record); $this->form->fill($this->ticket->attributesToArray()); } User.php model: public function tickets(): MorphMany { return $this->morphMany(Ticket::class, 'personable'); } Ticket.php model: public function personable(): MorphTo { return $this->morphTo(); }
8 replies
Created by Rick Doetinchem on 12/17/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom page with resource record error
I have a custom page: public static function getPages(): array { return [ 'ticketWithComments' => Pages\TicketWithComments::route('/{ticketId}/ticketwithcomments'), … ]; } And I try to pickup the ticketId and fill the form with the following code: public function mount($ticketId): void { $this->ticket = Ticket::findOrFail($ticketId); $this->form->fill($this->ticket->attributesToArray()); } But I’m getting error: Typed property App\Filament\App\Resources\TicketResource\Pages\TicketWithComments::$ticket must not be accessed before initialization What am I doing wrong?
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