Print ChartWidget in PDF (DomPDF)
Hey guys,
I'm creating a project and I need to print a PDF that would be an Academy training sheet, and I would like to place a line graph on the training sheet that I created as a WidgetChart, this graph is already working in two places in my application.
To print this PDF, I created a blade template and I'm printing it with DOMPdf, but when I put it in the PDF, only the title of the graph appears and nothing else.

7 Replies
Hmm, I think the best way to do it ( although I've never tried it), is to create a chart widget, and then inject it to your blade template
Yeah that won't work really, DomDPF isn't complex enough to handle that level of complextiy rendering in html/css to the best of my knowlage. I think what you need to do is browser shot it. Or use something like API2PDF (Dan recommends too) whereby you have a temporary URL that renders the HTML/ page as you want in PDF Form and just take a snap of the page.
I'm trying to do this, to test a create a second Route:
The First route -> Print the blade template as PDF
The Second route -> Returns the View without transformation in PDF
The Html route print the Chart but when the lib translate de HTML to PDF not

Yeah, theoretically it should work, but as @toeknee said, dompdf just isnt complex enough to handle it... Not sure if its possible unfortunately
Uhmm Ok,
I didn't really understand the solution, how it works to make my browser shot it?
I'm thinking it will be easier to find a JS framework that creates this graph again.
Because blade can render it, but dompdf cant convert the chart from html to PDF
Im use a JS Framework to take a screenshot but it's temperamental with sizing as to where the graphs fit. I would suggest revieiw howing api2pdf works or spaties browsershot plugin works
the chart is built in JS and the JS isn't rendered in domPDF