DWG Mime Type
Hi guys is there any chance to add dwg files into FileUpload because I don't think so it has by default this mime type.
Please any solutions???
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Here is how someone has managed to get DWG working:
Support extensions in acceptedFileTypes · Issue #13 · pqina/filepon...
The acceptedFileTypes option is comparable to the DOM accept attribute (it is even populated from the attribute in a progressive-enhancement configuration), so I find myself wanting to use it as a ...
6 Replies
Why not just add the accepted filetype as DWG
Also DWG files tend to be large so you may need to check the limits of what Filepond can handle.
I just tried but not working
I know that I change it but still same issue, I think the FilePond library does not support the DWG mime type maybe
Try this as the accepted mime type:
Here is how someone has managed to get DWG working:
Support extensions in acceptedFileTypes · Issue #13 · pqina/filepon...
The acceptedFileTypes option is comparable to the DOM accept attribute (it is even populated from the attribute in a progressive-enhancement configuration), so I find myself wanting to use it as a ...
Still same issue it not shows any files when the popup from windows opened and if I choose All types and choose my file it shows this file is not supported
It does work now it needs both:
"image/vnd.dwg", ".dwg"
otherways it will not work. Thanks!