League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Importing an npm package into a foundry system

import minimist from 'minimist'; That line alone when included in my module's hook file is resulting in the system breaking. Do we need to include webpack/Vite/or something of the sort? Why isn't the software handling this automatically? Is there a tutorial we can follow?...

(Paid) System Dev Assistance

Hello, I am developing a new game and would like to build my own game system in foundry vtt. I'm not very competent with JS, and am unfamiliar with the functionality of Foundry VTT. I do have some experience scripting and whatnot, but my learning process will require copious amounts of trial and error. I was hoping to skip the painful learning curve and pay someone to teach/help me with my system. I'm just not sure how much this runs, and was wondering if this is the kind of thing I can find peo...

how to handle items and effects?

I've been working on a system for a game that needs a concept that seems like it might be a good fit for active effects. Though i'm not sure if effects are the right way to go. Some of these effects can temporarily raise or lower a stat, seems like a fit for effects. While some of these effects may deal damage, give your current attack an AoE, or grant you an ability to use this turn. Some of these things i'm not sure do fit into effects. ...

Advice on the general programming model a system should follow

I'm brand new to foundry dev and I want to make sure I am gaining the correct understanding of the environment before I get too far. would it be fair to make this comparison with Foundry systems and the MVVM pattern? Model (document) | View (html/hbs templates) | ViewModel (sheets) or should I think of it as something else? I've seen some docs referring to sheets as applications, in which case maybe the mvvm comparison is not totally valid but perhaps it still is. ...

Advice for compendium data in a custom system

Hello, i'm new here! I was wondering if I could get a little direction for storing data about my games items/actors. I looked at how it is done in pf2e and dnd5e. They both seem to have gone different directions. DnD5e uses .db files for their packs data https://github.com/foundryvtt/dnd5e/tree/master/packs...

Dialog Box Auto-Closing Upon Opening 2nd Time

I've been appending custom functionality to the simple worldbuilding system. At this time, I'm trying to loop over all actors and then use and their items to add things up and perform rolls. To add modifiers, I want to make a dialogue box pop up wherein I can type in additional modifiers/etc, such as +1att (give the attacker +1 advantage to their role under value) The first time, it works! It prints verbose. That is the "building block" string for me to build additional logic on top of. The 2nd time, the dialogue just instantly returns "" and then it doesn't print verbose. ...

Actor collision

Implementing the homebrew knockback feature. It's almost working but how do I test if two actor tokens are collding with each other? I a trying various methods with no success

Actor attributes update on player's side

I can't fathom how to make changes to actor attributes on player's side. According to documentation I can use actor.modifyTokenAttribute("attribute.path", new_value), but this won't work on player's side, because player does not have permissions for "ActorDelta update". Can I even do this? I really want to because in my system there are body parts on tokens so automatically updating them after attack would be pretty neat....

Sort items

Hello, I am searching for where is stored the data about "items" order, as I would like to order them manually in parallel of with the CSS classes "item" and "item-list". Does anyone know where the "items" order is stored?...

How do I create/modify embedded document types?

Let's say I want Items to also have Items embedded

How do I specify an Array in my template.json?

I want schema checking for elements inside of an undefined-length array in my template.json, how do I do that?

Is is possible to create/change Foundry's document types?

For instance, removing "Actor" and "Item" and adding new ones.

ERROR: actors is not a valid embedded Document within the Token Document

Hi guys! New here, just purchased the software. Could we get any help on this elusive error? It's within the chronicles unofficial system that we are intending to build out. Whenever an actor sheet based off of an active token on the scene is edited in any way, the error is produced and shows up as a toast at the top of the screen (the first one). We've stepped through with a debugger through many areas and it's clear that it' appears internal to foundry. Attached is a stack trace. We are using version 11. Version 10 also produces errors, but they're yellow rather than red....
No description

How to trigger "hotbarDrop" with element that are not "Item" ?

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to trigger "hotbarDrop" with element that are not "Item". The system I create does have some mandatory skills for each "character" (type of "Actor") that are define inside the template.json. I would like to give the possibility to player to drag and drop these skill into the Macro bar so they would be able to launch them from it. ...

Is there a starter system based on the v10 DataModel?

I'm creating a new system (sci-fi with a cyberpunk theme, battles in space, land vehicles, and close combat, advancement through currency more than levels, more guns and devices with very little "magic" - may throw some psionic stuff in there to make the wizards happy). I'd like to build it up to the current state of the art, but it seems boilerplate, simple worldbuilding, and all the tutorials I can find are built for v9 with all the models in template.json. I can just start from scratch and...

Am I approaching character data updates incorrectly?

In my system I've constructed a core and modules directory where core handles all of the critical functions of the base system and the modules are additional systems that can be included or excluded at the whim of the GM (things such as psionics, magic, super powers, future technology, etc). To handle how these things interact, I've created a PcDataCalculator service to which modules may register their data calculation steps and dependencies ( in 5E terms, this would be like the Magic module registering the formula for determining a Wizard's number of prepared spells and indicating it's dependent on class-levels and intelligence. This whole process is intended to run as part of the actor's PrepareData function. The challenge I think I will run into is ActiveEffects. If active effects are run before this process, then an active effect impacting intelligence will cause prepared spells to be calculated correctly, but one that increases prepared spells by a value dependent on the subtotal value of prepared spells (such as 'double the number of prepared spells you can cast') would not work correctly. If run afterwards, I'd have the opposite problem. ...

Limit portions of character sheet to Owner/GM only

Hey friends, I'm new so if this isn't the best way to go about asking about system development questions. I'm working on making a system that will involve portions of the character system being only accessible to the owner of the character (and of course the GM). Is there an easy way to check this and setup an if block in my template to not draw the section if you're not the owner of the sheet/the GM? Wanted to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel before I try to add a way of validating this myself laughing

Blind chat message is public instead since v11

I've updated to v11 today from v10.303 and now my blind chat messages aren't working anymore and I cannot figure out why. Extra confusingly, just adding the "blind: true", causes the message to become a public message, rather than the private gm message it's based on. `chatMessage = ChatMessage.create({...

Giving a system "Per World" options

I'd like to plan ahead for others using my system and want to offer: ā˜ Imperial or ā˜‘ Metric ... when starting up a new world. How would I set that up?...

How to - Internal Compendium Pack References

Hi first post here, new to this forum, I'm creating a game system for an RPG I want to play on Foundry VTT and I've been extracting traits, abilities etc. from the SRD to create a set of compendium packs for the system. Have a question on how to set up internal links between Items? For example, each heritage has a number of traits and abilities, and there are also options that can be chosen when the heritage is first selected. What would be a good way to set up the packs to facilitate this behaviour? I haven't got far enough into the development of the system to know what I'll need later on, and assume that I would use a hook when the heritage (Item) is added or remove from the collection to add or remove the other traits or abilities. Thanks in advance for any help or advice given, PsyPhi...