League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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How to - Internal Compendium Pack References

Hi first post here, new to this forum, I'm creating a game system for an RPG I want to play on Foundry VTT and I've been extracting traits, abilities etc. from the SRD to create a set of compendium packs for the system. Have a question on how to set up internal links between Items? For example, each heritage has a number of traits and abilities, and there are also options that can be chosen when the heritage is first selected. What would be a good way to set up the packs to facilitate this behaviour? I haven't got far enough into the development of the system to know what I'll need later on, and assume that I would use a hook when the heritage (Item) is added or remove from the collection to add or remove the other traits or abilities. Thanks in advance for any help or advice given, PsyPhi...

Default item macro is overriding my custom item macro

I'm trying to create and assign an item macro to the hotbar. It's mostly working, but has one unexpected behaviour that I cannot figure out. Whenever I drag an item to the hotbar, it creates the macro successfully in the Macros Directory, however a "Display [item name]" macro is also created and that's assigned to the hotbar instead. I'm fairly sure this is the default Foundry item macro and it's overriding my hotbar assignment, as it's stil created and assigned when I comment out my createItemMacro function. Is there any way to disable the "Display [item name]" macro from being created for my items?...

How do I add active effects support?

I'm a bit lost here ... I want to add effects to items like "increase speed by 1 while having this item in the inventory" and from what I found online, active effects seem to be the answer here - however, it also says that the game system I'm using has to support them. But how do I add that support? So far I've been following the guide from the wikie https://foundryvtt.wiki/en/development/guides/SD-tutorial, but I can't find anything helpful in there on this. Can anyone give me some pointers?...

Show Each Dice Rolled in Custom System Builder?

Is it possible to make it show all of the dice rolled automatically when clicking a roll value in a character sheet? I was able to get rolls done through chat (such as /r 2d20) to show each individual die with the "always-show-rolls" module posted on reddit, but it doesn't seem to work for rolls done through rollable objects I make in the character sheets. Like the last chat message, instead of having to click the die to show them like that top one...
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`template.json` Nesting Properties

I am in the process of developing a new system for Foundry VTT and I have found myself struggling to find the best way to organise some data. The system is broken into 3 categories of skills, Basic, Trained and Expert. I was able to find a nice way to separate them and have them appearing nicely in a nested sheet-tab, thanks to help in a previous post. My issue now is a couple skills are a base stat for other skills, e.g Diplomacy is the base skill for Barter, Persuade etc. Here is a snippet of the template.json: ```json...

Nested Navbar on Character Sheet

Thanks to @mxzf I was able to get a nested navbar to show, but none of the data is being displayed that should be. I am not sure where I am tripping up. This is what the sheet looks:
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Migrating to DataModels - how to get data pre `cleanData`?

Hello. In the lancer system, we have some old fields in our Actor/Item models what predate the existence of UUIDs - they instead used a "RegRef" structure to achieve basically the same thing as a UUID now does. For context, a regref example: ```JSON { id: "B1stOACZSDZAJLA7", fallback_lid: "dep_ms_pattern_a_smoke_charges_smoke_mine", ...

What Licence is appropriate for systems?

As the title suggests, I have found a system that is not available on Foundry, and would love to challenge myself to make. Looking at GitHub, it offers a few different licences, but I am not sure what is the right/most applicable one
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Hey not sure if this is the right spot...SLA Industries system.

Ok it's not good BUT I've cobbled together a semi working version 0.1 of the system. My hope is as I have spare time to keep refining this and adding more functionality but I figured I'd post it here and any interested parties can also join in and add functionality or pretty up the CSS. ALSO: if you'd like contributor access just msg me here or on git and I'll add you. https://github.com/VacantFanatic/SLAfoundry...