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All posts for Starboard Support
patrons aren't support
Messages not posting
How to stop starboard from accessing categories
Help needed
Update Webhook icon
Trying to remove Webhooks from Starboard Leaderboard
struggling to figure out how to change settings
is there a way to remove an user from appearing on leaderboard
Messages aren’t popping up from bot
Starboard "not a valid value" error
Why is the bot not doing anything even if the required amount of emotes is reached?
messages in a specific channel not showing up in starboard
Separating a private starboard from a public one
Usernames showing instead of nicknames for some users
Patreon issue?
Multiple Starboards documentation out of date?
The point count seems wrong on this specific message
Is there a way to have 2 starboards for 2 sections of a server?
Self-hosting support
Starboard entry disappears after reacting on it with a star and removing the star again
Suddenly Stopped Working
Forum post in a starboard
i mean why its putting the video link in the embad
users being targeted with downvotes
image no work
Starboard Stopped Working
Starboard not working idk why
Is there a way so that when something reaches the starboard it notifies the chat?
2 starboards (sfw/nsfw) - can't exclude one nsfw
Is there a way to sort /leaderboard by a specific starboard?
Exclude 18+ channels from the starboard
creating specific starboards for specific channels
Removing an Emoji
Please provide a valid list of channels.
Starboard not working
How do I make my Starboard appear with the message contents?
Reaction only working in one channel
starboard for a channel is not working? i’m not sure what the problem is
2 Seperate Star Boards With 2 differrent emojis.
Credits not applied after subscribing to Premium
Starboard information when not staff
how do I delete a museum message
Easiest way to assign premium to self?
src/core/premium/ keeps panicking because I don't have a PATERON_TOKEN
bot stopped working
how i hide the bottom image
how i remove this part in red
Unable to redeem
Is there a way to make starboard ignore all channels except for two?
starboard isn't working anymore