Not Triggering Unread Highlight in Channel
My starboard is set up and working perfectly, but I’ve noticed an issue while testing it. Whenever Starboard adds a post to the designated channel, the channel name in the sidebar doesn’t get highlighted like it normally would when there’s a new message. This makes it hard to tell when new posts are added.
Thanks for any assistance.
17 Replies
This sounds like a Discord issue, not a Starboard issue
Starboard can't control unreads or notifications
I see, thanks for clarifying that!
I have a different issue.
I have disabled autoreacts for every starboard, but the bot still autoreacts when a post is added to the designed channel.

Can you show settings
like this?

I apologize if I overlooked something.
You sure that skull is from the bot
Do you have any Autostar channels
sorry, i am not sure what that is
Autostar Channel 'autostar'
This autostar channel is in <#772559301398233129>.
emojis: ⭐, 🔥, 🌟
min-chars: 10
max-chars: none
require-image: false
delete-invalid: true
These are the filters that must pass for a message to be valid:
No filters set.
You can view these filters with
/filters view
, and you can change which ones apply with `/autostar filters [add|remove]'.lemme check rq
oh yeah, it is actually the same channel!
ah, i figured it out
i didnt even realize about that setting, thanks for directing me to that!
Assuming that was the cause, you probably don't want auto star channels in the starboard
They have no effect on functionality, they simply add reactions to messages sent in the channel
Hence, autostar or auto-react
i see!
i might have one last question
i thought i made it so that once a post gets to starboard, it will stay there no matter how many reactions get removed after
That would be, required-remove: none
omg...i was putting 0 instead of none...
in my defense, i had a night shift 😭