How to give starboard access to my messages
im trying to figure out how to setup starboard in my server, when I react with a star it doesnt show up in my starboard channel, and when i tried to link the message it said it doesnt have access to it. How do I give it access?

52 Replies
sorry i sent the wrong image (for the first image) this is the right one

It's missing permission to view the channel and history
You have to fix that in discord settings
(also no upvote emojis set)
Didn't even look at the other screenshots ngl
oh dang
i had tried this command a few times

i think it made it a display emoji
i gave starboard access to the other channels but its still giving me the same error when i try utility

What about message history
i gave it that permission and its still not working
You're probably using roles incorrectly
You can try giving the permission explicitly I'm the channel for the bot (not role)
Or you can just give the bot admin
i gave the bot admin and its still not working, but im thinking it might be because i reacted to the message with a star but it looks like i still dont have that emoji as an upvote emoji
this was what i tried to do to give it the emoji
This should work, what do the settings show after you run it
You're using the message link?
What happens if you run /utils recount
You're positive the not has admin rihjt
yeah i gave it administrator
K try utils recount
it says finished
And now utils imfo
oh its working now, still no emoji though

Also you can most likely remove admin, I forgot that the bot didn't fetch messages not in the db. It probably wasn't a permission issue to begin with
Do the starboard settings still show no upvote emojis
Can you run the command to add star, then click on it and send a screenshot of that?
like the one for editing the requirements?

What do you see if you click on the command popup for when you ran the edit requirements command
Pong! I'm here.

I mean like this
Click on the command you actually ran
do you know how to do it on website?

Updated settings for starboard 'fireboard'.
I want to see this popup

sorry bad cropping

Can you actually copy+paste the star from that popup and just send it here
Copy the whole command if you want
upvote-emojis: ⭐️
copy+paste that command
into your server
its working now
thank so you much
mmmhm, yw
I truly, with all my heart, despise unicode
the number of times I've had to fix edge cases like this
there's always more
k it's just v16 again, I thought I fixed this...
Created starboard 'test' in #How to give starboard access to my messages.
Updated settings for starboard 'test'.
Starboard 'test'
This starboard is in <#1347045276694741094>.
required: 3
required-remove: 0
upvote-emojis: no emojis
downvote-emojis: no emojis
self-vote: false
allow-bots: true
require-image: false
older-than: disabled
newer-than: disabled
enabled: true
autoreact-upvote: true
autoreact-downvote: true
remove-invalid-reactions: true
link-deletes: false
link-edits: true
on-delete: Refresh
cooldown-enabled: false
cooldown: 5 reactions per 5 seconds
xp-multiplier: 1
private: false
exclusive-group: no group
exclusive-group-priority: 0
display-emoji: ⭐
ping-author: false
use-server-profile: true
extra-embeds: true
go-to-message: Mention
use-webhook: false
Embed Style
color: #FFE19C
attachments-list: true
replied-to: true
Regex Matching
These settings are premium-only. You can input a simple phrase to match on, or you can use regex for more advanced filtering. See rustexp for more info on regex.
Messages must match:
Nothing set.
Messages must not match:
Nothing set.
These are the filters that must pass for a message to be starred:
No filters set.
You can view filters using
/filters view
, and you can change which ones apply using /starboards filters [add|remove]
.guess it's broken again, cool
Deleted starboard 'test'.
don't we all 😭