How to get one starboard to only look at one channel (not NSFW channel)
hey! we have 2 starboards in our server rn. one is the main one we have been using for years that looks at every channel, and one is new that i only want to look in one role-locked channel, however i don't know how to get it to do that. I can't find any settings that let ONLY THAT starboard look at no other channels besides the one i want it to.
conversely, i want the older, main one to EXCLUDE looking in that channel. is there anyway to do that as well?
thank you!
6 Replies
Search the forum for whitelist and blacklist
i now have, but i'm a little confused. so by disabling the board then creating an override, i'm essentially telling it NOT to work except in specific channels?
Yes, exactly
okay good. does that mean for the main board i want to work in every channel (except the one), i have to input every channel?
No, you would just do the opposite. Leave the board on and use the override to disable in certain channels
OHHHH awesome, thank you SO much