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All posts for Termux
Keyboard ist using password input mode
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'FLAGS')
[Question] - Termux/Discord Server Connection?
help me i'm seriously desperate
Running steamcmd in termux
Can't build a dotnet app (build fails with no error messages)
irc client supporting DCC for CTCP
failed when git clone
Android 16 Termux Beta (Regular Termux App) not opening.
Termux Android Jupyter Notebook
How to make customization in Termux
RUN_COMMAND_SHELL_NAME extra does nothing with am?
iam new to github and termux stuff
Latex font error
Docker with root
Access denied(how do i give access)
Error while running PKG command
Python-tkinter not available
Copy a folder from termux to desktop
How do I install java on termux
LXC not working with a custom kernel
Can ping, but can't ssh into phone anymore. (SSHD Running)
Terminal changes color after connecting a keyboard
Idk what to do
Can't install onnx.
Vulkan/CLBlast acceleration with koboldcpp
Installing Distro not Working somehow
Unable to install bootstrap
'panic: invalid argument to Intn'. Golang
Ollama not working on Termux.
Pagefind in termux
problem with installing ffmpeg with --enable-libxcb in termux
~/.termux/shell usage
QEMU VM of Android 14 GSI ARM64 on Termux
can't ping
saving file using :w in neovim made the syntax little bit unreadable
Neovim: using result in error when editing Java file
Alpine Linux & Docker + LLM & MCP
Making, Building and Signing Android Application Package
openwebui & [to edit]{oh, docker... bridge-mcp}
uv & sys-info
mason-lspconfig.nvim: failed to install lua_ls
What now?
Graphics acceleration error when adding environment variable.
Hey Guy i have a Problem with Pip
Can't run rtorrent as a service
Termix On PC
termux x11 not recognizing external keyboard keymappings
italics are cut off for jetbrains mono
installing doom emacs and keybindings
How to delete Termux
GTK Window Appears Transparent
Problem in my command, but i don't know why
How to Install SDL2?
Mobox Mod Loader
aarch64-linux-android-clang++' failed with exit code 1
pip install
Execute Assembly
Common issue?
Keyboard doesn't enter Floating-mode
issue with running bots
7z can't extract some files?
Bootstrap error when opening Termux
Issues with a python script and bcrypt
how do i use the termux
A tools do not work on termux but work on my pc
how to solve this problem
Compiling Lilypond on Termux
termux boot just doesnt?
Confusion about termux-services
Vncserver didn't start even when it is connected to a network (ubuntu22.04 xfce)
LÖVE2d inside Termux
7zip Illegal instruction
Building Musepack tools for termux
Box64droid start-up problem
Connect refused when i want to install package
How to use termux?
Error Installing Nethunter on Oneplus 6 with Android 11
I'm trying to Install An apk on Android 14 via adb ( wireless debugging) with termux
postgresql on termux
Termux, repository unsecure or something. Android 6
No sync between Android filesystem and termux
Tmux panes not updating properly
How to set up vim bindings to navigate termux?
Issue with proot-distro: Utility 'file' is not installed error (Solved)
proot error oxygen os OnePlus 12
Proposal for adding accessibility in Termux
Can termux not run in background?
List of extra special permissions and settings that can be granted with adb to termux to enhance it
I need help with how to execute a script I'm completely new
How to encrypt files in termux.
Is there any way to view gifs /images from termux
x11 gives errors after switching to lavapipe from turnip
Davinci Resolve on Android
How to install python3.12 on termux without root
Package not found
[Solved] How to fix broken glibc(reinstallation) in termux
Where to show?
how can ı change termux files location or how can ı access termux data files with normal file browse
Everytime I try to open nethunter touch: cannot touch 'kali-arm64/root/.version': No such file or
help me
ssh connection: ran 'sshd' yet 'port 22: Connection refused'
vnc server issue
Android's OpenGLES library in Termux
bash configuration file location
making alisas
failed to initialize player
please help.
setting SD card as internal
problem with termux-am-socket
local server that plays videos accessible offline
Stuck on "Waiting 5 seconds for lock" on keychain without starting ssh-agent
How to make ffi bindings to termux api
please help me no such file or dictory
Can't use tsserver on NVChad in Termux
Use RUN_COMMAND intent using adb, requires permission, how do I grant one?
Hide QNetworkInterface/AF_NETLINK warnings
how to remove the sections
I am unsure on how to install on an ubuntu server running on an old phone
nala failed to install
Installing `lxml` crashes Termux
how to put openjdk 17
Help me setup samba server
Several errors in termux proot right after logging into proot-distro
help with apktool and metasploit
How can I fix this?
rotate screen termux
gcc eror
telephony-cellinfo returns a list of empty objects on 5g network
CTRL+ENTER not working?
conda in termux
Wine Box64 in proot ubuntu error
Trying to build an APK from Termux, but…
Bash: Permission Denied
PRoot/tmux: opening a new pane to the correct working directory?
modern zink on Mali
help configuring lsp on neovim
Play Store "Termux:STYLE" Deletes Termux App
Hi An error I don't know about (I'm new)
SSH keep alive
wheel build error lxml
help with installation lxml
Mobile DE for Termux-X11?
termux start up on boot failed
start a vncserver on proot-distro from termux x11
Detect if running in Termux
Latest Termux Adaptive Icon not working on HyperOS Android 14
Build Bootstrap offline error
Should I use proot-distro login --termux-home or not? (python venvs)
I'm stuck in this code page, what should I do?
launch mpv android application from termux
Setting up hardware acceleration for a VNC server
How to disable vibration?
termux-saf-* always hangs
No such file or directory
`make menuconfig` cant find libncurses
Establishing connection to pulseaudio - audio mixer. How to start pulseaudio server?
Removing invalid files
pip install doesnt install
Error Code 301
How to make the extra Keyboard Keys Togglable
How to install lua
FIle editor error
How do I fix this mistake error
Using system gui file picker to select multiplefiles and return their usable paths to executecommand
updating termux
Running moderngl (and glcontext) python library
Error while installing npm package
how to ouptut gui codes
I think I broke pkg upgrade (solved)
cannot execute: required file not found
Running qemu-aarch64 emulator inside Termux
colors for files/dirs when using proot-distro with --termux-home?
How to type in termux-x11
Hello, I have a problem with Termux... can you help me please
i can't upload files to termux anymore
Is there a way to have a Linux desktop on Termux?
Termux is acting cringe lately with accessing/reading some files
clear CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "clear": library "
Can't use termux-notification --type media.
adb pair XXX.XXX...: error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
installing tldr and a segfault
unable to run erlang after otp 27 update
How to enable graphics acceleration in Termux XFCE4
how to move files into termux?
Lemmy server
Does anyone know how to fix this
I know how to use Shell a little but I don't understand this console error
Can bluez-tools or bluez or something similar be installed in termux?
Can not install kiwisolver
I can't seem to find a way to install numpy
error while installing poetry
How i can download termux pc?
why does it throw invalid key warnings?
"unmount" usb DAC when using termux-usb?
pip not working in termux, giving out weird errors while it used to work before
The goal is to disable the phantom process but on the same device using termux $adb . Android 13
how to fix the issue of pty_setowner permission denied
#One ui audio problem help
Permissions error when using npm
Setting up proot distro on termux and getting graphical output on termux x11
libicu breaks zenity
Adding a shortcut of the `lynx` command to KISS launcher home screen
undefined reference to `pwritev'
pulseaudio no sound termux
Jupyter issue in termux arch Android 13
How to restart python scripts automatically/werid python bug
Installing code-server on Termux Android 5
mirror not accessible
Is this type of error normal?
Public adress
bash: ./filename: Permission Denied
Help Needed with Termux Audio Output Issue
Need Help In able to access ssh from my PC to Termux via ssh tunneling.
cant run codeserver
how to change localhost number?
Downgrade node
How to fix this error
How to exit root in Termux?
xfce4-session autostarting up program for seemingly no reason
I wanna reinstall without deleting data
help install ruff-lsp
How to fix this error
How can I use a different qemu network type?
how to install gitea
How do I close the text input view?
Termux + SD Card (not install termux to it, but allow termux to write/read files from it)
How to install python3.12?
Termux crashing when I do xfce4-session on debian based distros
Api testing
how to install cloudflared
How to workaround to install termux:api with same origin issue?
Having trouble installing Matplotlib, can anyone help out?
Crond stops working
Next.js 14
termux-exec in Termux:Widgets shortcuts
npm install fail
is it possible: termux + emacs cli + elcord ?
pkg doesnt work
cannot compile tur - on - device packages in my tur environment
Help creating a package which requires a host build
Desktop environments not working under hardware acceleration
unable to install bootstrap UwU
how do i use xfce in proot distro?(Void linux)
I need pulseaudio default config files
sdcard as the default storage for termux
openvpn issues
Can't build onnxruntime
pacman and apt
What is signal 6?
Termux-file-editor not doing anything
Termux + playwright
arabic support
Pip error in proot
Hardware Acceleration
USB Serial
Sim card
Termux-x11 complain about missing xlorie, how to fix it?
Discord bot with puppeteer
blender from tur-repo
Failure to build bootstraps
Changing Default Folders
No such file or directory error
Trying to build a custom package and the build script doesn't think the directory exists
Gradle build error
Rust compiler
emacs menu doesn't work with touch controls
Compiling treesitter parsers
termux-packages commit 46c5cd3 breaks my app and I am not sure the best solution
help with prompt customization in zsh
Assistance getting HW acceleration working (OpenGL)
better speech to text
termux-storage-get clipboard causes termux to get "stuck"
How to install chrome driver on Ubuntu in termux
can't install npm modules
Can I set the mime type of my clipboard content?
neovim segfaults after dismissing and reopening onscreen keyboard
How to build a cross-compiler
How do I build QEMU?
Is it possible to get pyqt5 on a device with 4 GB RAM 2 GB Swap?
which termux-styling artifacts work?
How to write a good issue report
Cross compiling error on Debian (VM)
Can't change timezone info in clock settings
Support MegaThread!