Termux13mo ago

Termux + SD Card (not install termux to it, but allow termux to write/read files from it)

Okay so, I have a phone, which I want termux to be able to read and write it's files via cmd line/whatever. I mount my SD Card, run
and it sets up all fine and dandy. I cd into storage, then into external-1, just to see nothing in there, even though I know for a fact my phones SD Card is full of some random B.S. I attempt to mkdir a file into it and check to see if it appears on the phone, and it doesnt, what could be the problem and what is the solution. Is this even possible with termux.
10 Replies
FrukOP13mo ago
Note ^: I did allow the storage perm for termux
fisher13mo ago
sdcard should be named something like /storage/9016-4EF8
FrukOP13mo ago
Yeah it doesn't appear like that. I attempted to re run the tmux setup storage cmd, but nope
komo13mo ago
as far as i know, you can't access sdcard storage without root access but i think you don't need root access for that, since it's not mounted with perm root:root you can try a file manager and then copy path from any random file/directory that's inside the sdcard storage, it should return /storage/<hex>-<hex>/...
FrukOP13mo ago
I've been at it for a while now with this and with some research I know people have had success, using Google files I copied the lath and got the number/hex/whatever, what should I do with it? Paste it into tmux with some command or what?
komo13mo ago
you wanted to access the sdcard storage right? why don't you cd into it
FrukOP13mo ago
Well, yes, I do want that, thing is I cannot cd, (no such file or dir, ofc) that's the reason I'm asking the question above. It doesn't show up under dir either SOLVED I was able to cd into it via cd [XXXX-XXXX] - Don't know why I didnt think of that before, but yeah, thanks for all the help mates!
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TheFoxPie3w ago
~/storage/external-1 actually points to /storage/XXXX-XXXX/Android/data/com.termux/files. If that's the case for you, then to get to the actual sdcard, the foolproof command should be cd $(realpath ~/storage/external-1)/../../../...
FrukOP3w ago
It's been long from the time I solved this, but if my memory serves me, I just went to a filemanager copied the SD Card dir, then just pasting it into termux

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