Access denied(how do i give access)

Hello, i'm new to termux and I serm to have a problem navigating it, when i write cdpath of something it tells me acces denied, and when I go to settings to give it permission to all files, there is no such option, only notifications and microphone. Im asking if someone could help
13 Replies
Biswa962mo ago
Please provide the commands and steps to reproduce the issues.
☦🇷🇴Арима сан🇺🇦♆
apt update apt upgrade pkg install python3 Then i need to do cd/storage/emulated/0/ Download/Telegram But cd/storage/emulated/0/ Download/Telegram doesnt work "Permission denied"
Catinette2mo ago
there is a space remove that space and you need a space after cd @☦🇷🇴Сигма Аянокоджи🇺🇦♆ cd /storage/emulated/0/Download/Telegram you won't be able to execute files there tho maybe you should learn more about Linux and termux first
Biswa962mo ago
did you allow file permission for termux in system settings?
Cuteness3w ago
If you are trying to run some Telegram hack or something, don't... those are very likely malicious scripts that those people want fools to run so they can use the victim's device / network for nefarious purposes.
☦🇷🇴Арима сан🇺🇦♆
Lol i heard of those but im too scared to install them plus theyre illegal
Catinette3w ago
what are you trying to run then?
☦🇷🇴Арима сан🇺🇦♆
I heard of termux on tiktok and i just wanted to see what its about, i wasnt running anything
☦🇷🇴Арима сан🇺🇦♆
Even if I was i completely even forgot abt it now Lmao
Cuteness3w ago
Don't trust those videos. Linus actually did at least two YouTube videos worth of them and even he was smart enough to know better for some of them. - Trying TikTok Computer Hacks... - TikTok Tech Tips are Terrible ^ @☦🇷🇴Арима сан🇺🇦♆

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