Idk what to do
Ive never done this before i got termux today and im trying to install kali linux and im very close but there is a problem that whenever i type any kex command a error message shows up
9 Replies
This is a clear sign that you are not the target audience for this distro. If I were you I would stop trying to cosplay as a hacker and learn some basics. Also, this server provides zero support for Kali or anything hacking related. If you can't do it on your own, then you shouldn't be doing it to begin with anyways.
Thanks but no
You can say no all you want, you won't get help in this server at all and if you can't do it on your own then you're not gonna get it working. :a_yes:
Kali is not meant for script kiddies cosplaying as wannabe hackers
It's even insanely easy to setup
Just not for script kiddies
So easy dude
Ok il do it myself then unc
?warn @unohuk breaking rule 1
biscuit534 has been warned. || breaking rule 1