Termux6d ago

Setting up hardware acceleration for a VNC server

Here is what I do : Open Termux virgl_test_server_android --angle-gl Open another Termux instance proot-distro login debian --user void --shared-tmp --isolated vncserver -xstartup "/usr/bin/xterm" -once -cleanstale -localhost no Go in this VNC server which has no desktop environment export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.6COMPAT GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe DISPLAY=:1 glmark2 That last command fails
1 Reply
-15d ago
On the first terminal, virgl spits a bunch of errors except they seem to point to its own source code so there isn't much I can do Okay made some tweaks Only last error in the way is stack smashing detected: terminated Aborted