Termux9mo ago

Setting up hardware acceleration for a VNC server

Here is what I do : Open Termux virgl_test_server_android --angle-gl Open another Termux instance proot-distro login debian --user void --shared-tmp --isolated vncserver -xstartup "/usr/bin/xterm" -once -cleanstale -localhost no Go in this VNC server which has no desktop environment export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.6COMPAT GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe DISPLAY=:1 glmark2 That last command fails
11 Replies
-1OP9mo ago
On the first terminal, virgl spits a bunch of errors except they seem to point to its own source code so there isn't much I can do Okay made some tweaks Only last error in the way is stack smashing detected: terminated Aborted
ma1feesm8mo ago
do you still want help here? i would want some screenshots if yes.
-1OP8mo ago
I have been in holiday but now I'm home and it's midnight so I think I will sleep But yeah we could do that
ma1feesm8mo ago
can u paste the same command that fails and send me the error then u go tk sleep?
-1OP8mo ago
The command that fails is literally starting up anything I'll go get the error message oh wait idk how I got that to work in the first place Might take some time I do my tests with either glxgears or glmark2 okay nah I really have to sleep Can't figure out anything at the moment Well here is the error messages, things still seem to work somehow ERR: RendererGL.cpp:114 (LogGLDebugMessage): Source: API Type: Error ID: 0x00000052 Severity: High Message: Error:glTexImage2D::<format>, <type> and <internalformat> are not a valid combination ERR: RendererGL.cpp:114 (LogGLDebugMessage): Source: API Type: Error ID: 0x00000052 Severity: High Message: Error:glTexImage2D::<format>, <type> and <internalformat> are not a valid combination WARN: Debug.cpp:186 (insertMessage): GL error: HIGH: Error: 0x00000502, in ../../../cache/tmp-checkout/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/TextureGL.cpp, setImageHelper:263. Internal error: 0x00000502: Unexpected driver error. WARN: Debug.cpp:186 (insertMessage): GL error: HIGH: Error: 0x00000502, in ../../../cache/tmp-checkout/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/TextureGL.cpp, setImageHelper:263. Internal error: 0x00000502: Unexpected driver error. ERR: renderergl_utils.cpp:2895 (HandleError): GL call functions->texImage2D(nativegl::GetTextureBindingTarget(target), static_cast<GLint>(level), texImageFormat.internalFormat, size.width, size.height, 0, texImageFormat.format, texImageFormat.type, pixels) generated error 0x00000502 in ../../../cache/tmp-checkout/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/TextureGL.cpp, setImageHelper:263. ERR: renderergl_utils.cpp:2895 (HandleError): GL call functions->texImage2D(nativegl::GetTextureBindingTarget(target), static_cast<GLint>(level), texImageFormat.internalFormat, size.width, size.height, 0, texImageFormat.format, texImageFormat.type, pixels) generated error 0x00000502 in ../../../cache/tmp-checkout/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/gl/TextureGL.cpp, setImageHelper:263. It keeps repeating itself And when closing glxgears I get that : vtest_client_dispatch_commands: client context created. vrend_winsys_make_context_current: Error switching context: EGL_BAD_ACCESS virgl_fence_set_fd: failed err=-1 failed to export fence sync object client: VTEST_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED
ma1feesm8mo ago
does removing --angel-gl do any difference?
-1OP8mo ago
Nope, it just changes what I see when running glmark2 in one of the fields Oh wait On proot side it just no longer works So yeah this is needed for it to run Same stuff happens if I use it with Termux x11 outside of a proot
ma1feesm8mo ago
use it in proot. i dont think it is supposed to work outsjde of it outside
-1OP8mo ago
It just throws the same error messages on the virgl side tried it cus curious But yeah this is intended for proots Any idea about how I can get rid of these errors and warnings ?
MrKey8mo ago
I know it's maybe late, but try to add virgl_test_server_android --angle-gl --use-egl-surfaceless --use-gles.
-1OP8mo ago
I'll try this when I have time

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