adb pair XXX.XXX...: error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success

I can't seem to get adb to work: I've tried
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg update
pkg upgrade
But it's still having the same issue: any ideas?
9 Replies
tomikun10mo ago
well how are you connecting and to what
treecosia_44893OP10mo ago
I installed adb on termux and I'm using that installation to connect to wireless debugging Basically I'm connecting my phone 'to itself'
Biswa9610mo ago
Did you use the IP/port from "Pair device with pairing code" option in wireless debugging?
treecosia_44893OP10mo ago
Yes, I inputted the IP/Port specified there with the pairing code afterwards I got the error I wrote on the title of this support 'ticket'
tomikun10mo ago
can you send screenshots of the ip address and you connecting via termux shouldn't be personal info since is reserved for local stufd
treecosia_44893OP10mo ago
Hi there, thanks for the response. Unfortunately I didn't take any screenshots of what I did, but what I do have is a personal log I made which includes what I did on the device (including the commands I used in Termux) and the output I received. Here it is: - turned off dev optipns - Restarted - Turned on dev options - Turned on wireless debugging
adb devices
adb pair 030410
adb devices
adb pair 030410
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb pair 030410
adb pair 030410
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg update
pkg upgrade
adb kill-server
adb start-server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
- toggled usb debugging: on / off / on
adb pair 713099
adb pair 713099
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
error: protocol fault (couldn't read status message): Success
tomikun10mo ago
Here's a recording of me doing it then i was just screwing around after adb shell though so you can ignore that bit
treecosia_44893OP10mo ago
Strangely enough, this time (where I typed the pairing code only after being asked for it) it "Successfully paired" Yeah thanks for the video that really helped

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