termux start up on boot failed

termux-wake-lock is ok but my other command failed and it has && after termux wake lock
8 Replies
Catinette8mo ago
showing errors would be nice no one can really help without infos
you can look there for how to make a good report
While we're trying our best and trying to use our knowledge to assist with your problem with the Termux applications, Before you post, please read the following first: - Search for existing issues Before you begin posting your issue, Use the "Search" function to search for problems that someone had reported before. It may have been solved previously. One good example is the "Termux Google Play" issues. Checking pinned issues and searching GitHub issues is also a good idea. This is not mandatory, but this saves time and energy. We also advise you to do your own research into the problem. - Do not ping for help Do not ping somebody for help. Learn how to wait because not everyone will get your problem and might not be active in your time zone, we'd expect a reward :) - Elaborate on your problem If you're encountering a specific issue, try to explain it as thoroughly as possible. If you don't know the roots of your problem, try to post the steps of how and when the problem was caused. - Send your error output The chances are your problem might be solved immediately by sending your terminal transcript through a screenshot or by "Share Transcript" in the Termux context menu by holding and tapping more. We also recommend to post the logs printed by the faulty program. If you plan to send longer logs, use paste services such as pastebin or attach a log file. - Use Correct Tags Use correct tags for your problem so it would be easier to find and filter specific issues based on the given tags. - Make your title clear The chances of people willing to assist you would be higher if your title is clear and concise. not too long or too short. Avoid titles with such examples like: "pls help" or "somebody help me?" without using your actual issue as a title. - Be patient You may or may not get any responses immediately as you post a problem.
#How to write a good issue report
marangkas18OP8mo ago
sorry ill upload it
marangkas18OP8mo ago
as u can see my desire command is working but the only working is wake lock
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marangkas18OP8mo ago
i also replace the wake lock to cd cc miner but not working
Exelroad8mo ago
It seems like you misunderstood the && && is a logical AND in bash and if understand it correctly you want to run ccminer in the background and start start.sh after that?
marangkas18OP8mo ago
Yup any solutions?
Exelroad8mo ago
can you put your code instead of screenshot i got confused you may want to replace ./start.sh and you can just run it directly with absolute path like sh /data/data/com.termux/files/home/ccminer/start.sh

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