Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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Svelte Local Debugging

Yes, I have to change between these:
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-auto";
import adapter from "@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare";

R2 ticket

I have major bug with r2. I tried opening two tickets ( 01289789 / 0127216 ) and its been more then 3 weeks. 0127216 didn't even get a response... I created a ticket and have a pro account (and paid worker account). What can I do to get a response?...

yes thats how user has found a problem

yes thats how user has found a problem with a worker....

GitHub - Luzefiru/hono-react-tailwind: A...

Does anyone have a solution for setting up a devserver using Hono with client components? All I can find is

Hono Client

So, I just read today's blog on Hono My worker uses Hono, yay! As I read the blog, I discovered their is a Hono Client :watwow: ...

Magnus' search for experts from Denmark

Is there some Cloudflare experts from Denmark in here? 🙂

Is it possible to set image quality when

Is it possible to set image quality when using Cloudflare Images? I see that you can when it's coming from a server and going through Cloudflare, but doesn't seem to work when the images are hosted by Cloudflare. This is a major blocker that's slowing down my site because everything is being served at original quality.

No basically make clodflare not handle

No basically make clodflare not handle distribution

DNS Issues

DNS entries, sorry\

@Chaika Hey! I dont know if you remember

@Chaika Hey! I dont know if you remember, but you helped me with serving wildcard SSL certs on custom domains for customers a few weeks ago. I've recently been having an issue where if you constantly reload the custom domain site without cache (ctrl + shift + r), then there's ~50% chance for an "Invalid SSL Cert" error. Do you have any idea why this could be happening? I can DM you the website that this happens with if needed.

Hi I have a questions. Now I want to

Hi I have a questions. Now I want to reduce cloudflare image transform request and I wanna cache each of image transformed. I see when serve image its will auto cache but its not working. Who worked with it before? Can give me some solution? Thank you so much

Heres the custom domain I'm testing with

Heres the custom domain I'm testing with:

Clearing out all DNS records

Hi, need some help! I went to add my domain, but removed it so I could recreate it using a different initial DNS config. So that when Cloudflare scans for records it picks up the right ones. My other DNS settings create about 30 records, and using Cloudflare it's such a pain deleted multiple records! It seems Cloudflare only soft deletes when you click remove, which I hate. So when I re-add, it refuses to re-scan, and just pulls the soft deleted records, boo! How do I fix this? EDIT: I tried exporting a zone file from my registrar, and then importing to replace the records at creation time, but the cloudflare import functionality, on that page, is broken at the moment. It has trouble reading a valid zone file EDIT(2): I fixed the import by editing a record manualy before exporting, to make it work, but that only appends records, not replaces 😦 Now I have like 33 records...

hey guys! does someone know how to point

hey guys! does someone know how to point from a cloudflare subdomain to a vercel deployment?

Hi guys i have a question, I have the

Hi guys i have a question, I have the free plan, and I have an app listening for the 8080 port, can I protect this app whit redirects and SSL, in Cloudfare ? Thx a lot

They responded to me asking for the

They responded to me asking for the information for the refund and after 10 days they charged me again for the month of June, hahahaha

Does it make sense to cache pages like

Does it make sense to cache pages like this ? Because CloudFlare doesnt think so :0010shiba_think: