13 Replies
@Sithu Khant I got that part. I meant, when you say it "doesn't work", what do you mean? Does it not start? Does it throw an error? Does it display a broken page?
It is just loading on localhost. I waited for an hour or so.
Just loading...
I even tried the preview one
Do you have an example repo I can test with?
It doesn't work either
I can't, but there is command I used:
Have you tried with node?
I even tried starting the project via
sv create
cli instead of cloudflare one
I didn'tMaybe try that, and see if it works?
ah... it worked with npm, I just installed and tried it
So, bun isn't supported yet?
Actually, I think they are actively removing it: https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-docs/pull/19813
Remove mentions of Bun by penalosa · Pull Request #19813 · cloudfla...
This PR clarifies Wrangler's support policy for Bun, and removes mention of Bun for C3.
See cloudflare/workers-sdk#8039 for the relevant implementation change, and justification.
so, Bun won't be supported now and ever?
That's what it is looking like? It might work at some point, but it wouldn't be officially supported
as my tried, it worked when I run dev with npm although I installed packages with bun
Yeah, it sounds like whatever bun is doing at runtime doesn't quite mesh with what Wrangler/Vite expects, causing it to break