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neon branches

i am using neon. i use neon branches for local development. when i set my neon branch connection string in .dev.vars (WRANGLER_HYPERDRIVE_LOCAL_CONNECTIONSTRING<BINDING>=neon branch connection string) and run wrangler dev. it recognizes my environment variable Found a non-empty WRANGLER_HYPERDRIVE_LOCAL_CONNECTION_STRING variable for binding. Hyperdrive will connect to this database during local development. now when i get the connection string from the binding (BINDING.connectionString), it returns a hyperdrive.local host instead of my neon connection string....

Hi All, any idea when we can expect

Hi All, any idea when we can expect MySQL support

Closed connections

We have started seeing an increased number of Error: write CONNECTION_CLOSED <id>.hyperdrive.local:5432 which look like peer timeouts from our DB side in the last couple of weeks (maybe more recently?)

@AJR Hmm, I _think_ I _may_ have found a

@AJR Hmm, I think I may have found a pretty bad bug. When you reconnect, are you doing a fresh DNS lookup, or are you maybe accidentally using a cached entry?

Yes, that is correct. We've kicked

Yes, that is correct. We've kicked around opening it up more, but have not committed to that yet. Hyperdrive operates as a standalone service, so it is technically possible, though would take some work. If you're willing to discuss your use case a bit, it'd help us as we evaluate....

Regional routing issue

Are there any plans for supporting custom connection limits per region? Right now we seem to be hitting that limit and losing performance by being routed to a nearby region.

I have digital ocean and azure credits

I have digital ocean and azure credits to burn and the latter seem to be priced crazily so would be ideal! 😀 Maybe if there is no solution with public there is one with private connection? I’d be open to using d1 instead also but I have about 50gb of data already so I don’t know if limits can be increased to say 100gb (for future scale)...

Connections closed

Hello, Currently i'm using hyperdrive with direct connection to supabase. But sometimes i got Database error: Error: write CONNECTION_CLOSED 86ec870f264501983a0.hyperdrive.local:5432 ...

Hey folks! We announced the new

Hey folks! We announced the new automatic configuration for Hyperdrive's support for private databases over tunnels. You may have caught this previously, but now you only need to setup your tunnel in your virtual network/VPC where you can access your database, and then Hyperdrive will automatically configure the tunnel to be restricted to Hyperdrive
No description

Drizzle connections

Hi, I'm using Hyperdrive + Neon + Drizzle, and I've an issue: I've to connect a new connection (const db = drizzle()...) for each query, in the same "request/worker" execution. When I not use Hyperdrive, I can have a singleton of drizzle and do multiples queries. I'm use thats imports: import { drizzle, NodePgDatabase } from "drizzle-orm/node-postgres"; ...

Hyperdrive without workers?

Would be quite interested.

@thomasgauvin I'm actually implementing

@thomasgauvin I'm actually implementing as well, are you available for another calendar slot?


@Mitya I have some time now if I can help answer some questions

Hi, can I check what might cause a

Hi, can I check what might cause a PostgresError: Internal error. I'm trying to add hyperdrive to neon db instead of connecting directly.

Call for Beta Testing Global Pools

Hey everyone. I'm looking for some beta testers. We have a fairly large change going out soon, that will pretty dramatically improve performance for Hyperdrives with wide geographic distributions of their users. If you're interested, please respond in the thread I'm about to create indicating your interest, and which Hyperdrive IDs you'd like me to enroll in this beta test. I expect that we'll get this rolling early next week....

hiya, im desperately trying to

hiya, im desperately trying to understand how to use drizzle, hyperdrive and nextjs on edge but i swear im not getting past the env.HYPERDRIVE.connectionString step 🥲 has anyone dealt with some like this before?...

Thanks for the reply, happy to jump on a

Thanks for the reply, happy to jump on a call whenever works best for you!