Cloudflare Developers


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I'm having trouble integrating Sentry

I'm having trouble integrating Sentry with my Worker. Basically I connected Sentry as instructed but no seeing any of my projects even they're already out there in my Sentry dash.

Logs for OpenNext app

Is there a known issue for workers obs logs not working for Next.js apps running on workers using OpenNext? I've got 2 workers, both with observability enabled, and the one running Next.js does not show any logs.

I see a lot of log missing too

I see a lot of log missing too and the filter on dashboard works incorrectly, sometimes...

Hi all, can someone confirm to me if

Hi all, can someone confirm to me if logging (both the observability, as well as logpush) is expected to work in preview urls? I got thrown for a loop today because it does not seem to generate any logs, so I couldn't figure out an exception until I promoted the version to a deploy. Is that currently expected? In Pages we didn't have log push, but you could view real time logs even for previews.

For the new worker logs, is there a way

For the new worker logs, is there a way to explicity designate which console.log statements should be captured. I feel like the pricing model and how this is integrated to console.log statements make it a bit weird to use. I think a way to have balance is to have the logger be in runtime.env instead of hijacking console.log or at least be able to set the logging level at which logs should be captured (e.g only for console.error). This way we can have logging for important things and if we need normal debugging then the live stream logs should include all console.logs....

Must have been a temporary hiccup:

Must have been a temporary hiccup: logging is back.
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For logs, is there a way to add spend

For logs, is there a way to add spend limits? I suppose this question is also in part for other Included + usage services on Cloudflare

Loving the new observability tools,

Loving the new observability tools, great work! Are there plans to allow for configuring included log levels or managing exclusions for certain high-volume events before billing starts up in November? I'm seeing every DO websocket message event logged, but it will be essential for me to exclude them entirely unless I need to actively profile something.
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@Thomas Ankcorn can you help me

@Thomas Ankcorn can you help me

congrats on the launch @boristane !

congrats on the launch @boristane ! i tried setting it up, but i haven't seen any logs (been about 15min). does anything look weird in my wrangler config? i'm on version 3.78.10...

is there a way to change the settings in

is there a way to change the settings in the dash? doesn't look like anything new was added under the "observability" section
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Bugs and feedback 🧵

Bugs and feedback 🧵