Cloudflare Developers


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I'm trying to get a SQLite-backed DO to

I'm trying to get a SQLite-backed DO to work locally, but I keep running into this error message when I run my vitest test suite locally:
Error: SQL is not enabled for this Durable Object class. To enable it, set `enableSql = true` in your workerd config for the class. If using wrangler, under `[[migrations]]` in wrangler.toml, change `new_classes` to `new_sqlite_classes`. Note that this change cannot be made after the class is already deployed to production.
Error: SQL is not enabled for this Durable Object class. To enable it, set `enableSql = true` in your workerd config for the class. If using wrangler, under `[[migrations]]` in wrangler.toml, change `new_classes` to `new_sqlite_classes`. Note that this change cannot be made after the class is already deployed to production.
Here is the relevant snippet from my wrangler.test.toml file: ```[durable_objects]...

is there a way to run an http server *

is there a way to run an http server within a test. For example I have this snippet: ```typescript...

How do you guys test alarms?

How do you guys test alarms? For example if I have an alarm set in 10 seconds, do I just have to await a promise to wait for the alarm to get triggered or can I use something liek Sinon...

Hey folks, looking at getting into using

Hey folks, looking at getting into using vitest for testing a discord bot but having problems when it tries to import discord-api-types. Of note, i tried this without the wrangler integration and just using vitest on its own and the test is fine, its only when i configure vitest with the wrangler integration that it fails. ``` FAIL src/impl.test.mts [ src/impl.test.mts ] Error: No such module "C:/git/vitest-wrangler-discord-api-types/node_modules/discord-api-types/v10.js". imported from "C:/git/vitest-wrangler-discord-api-types/node_modules/discord-api-types/v10.mjs"...

Is anyone able to debug vitest tests in

Is anyone able to debug vitest tests in vscode with breakpoints? My tests just pass without stopping at breakpoints. I can debug/breakpoint normal worker code (wrangler dev, attach with vscode)

Hey all, I tried to search for solutions

Hey all, I tried to search for solutions to this issue but couldn't find any. I'm running into this error with vitest-pool-workers ``` FAIL test/index.spec.ts [ test/index.spec.ts ] TypeError: Cannot use require() to import an ES Module. ❯ Users/arishi/personal/naamdeo-monorepo/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/snakecase-keys/index.js?mf_vitest_no_cjs_esm_shim:4:23...

Is there any way to reset mocks with

Is there any way to reset mocks with fetchMock? The docs say "Deactivated by default and reset before running each test file.", but I'm seeing mocks carry over between describe blocks within a single test file and it'd be useful to just reset between the describe blocks in an afterAll or afterEach.

I am trying to directly access a durable

I am trying to directly access a durable object in my tests to run the alarm, but I am unsure how to correctly add the binding to my test env without getting type errors

I ran into this issue too - `Error:

I ran into this issue too - Error: require() is not yet implemented in Workers A simple worker [with not imports] works fine. But, when inngest is imported, it fails...

👋 When using `import {

👋 When using import { defineWorkersConfig } from '@cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers/config';, how do you define your service bindings that normally exist in wrangler.toml? Example from wrangler.toml ``` [[services]]...

Hello! 👋 We're running into these

Hello! 👋 We're running into these errors quite a lot. ``` ================================================================================ Failed to pop isolated storage stack frame in test/room/websockets.test.ts's test "sent ops are received over WebSocket by connected clients on V7"....

Hey, does anyone know how to use `export

Hey, does anyone know how to use export default class extends WorkerEntrypoint with SELF and typescript ?

Is there a workaround that will let me

Is there a workaround that will let me test a Durable Object waking up from hibernation at all? Or is this currently impossible to test? Asking, because I'm trying to simulate that event by waiting for 10 seconds, but every time I do, I hit a segfault… 😬 I made a minimal replication in this repo (on the hibernate branch):

Slow R2 puts

Loving this right now, ty! I am seeing weirdly slow times with R2 puts though, any idea why? It's taking ~400ms right now for small files. Currently taking up basically all of my test time :blob_sweat: I spoke with James and he had the same issue. His repro:

Hey Cloudflare team! We're making great

Hey Cloudflare team! We're making great progress in migrating our code base from Jest to Vite and to new Vitest integration—we're almost done! There is however one remaining issue that we cannot figure out ourselves. It's really hard to explain for us what's going on here, but fortunately it can be reliably reproduced, so I've made a screencast. Maybe you could help us with this? Because currently it's blocking us from finishing our migration. The screencast/demo: 🍿 ...

Would you mind opening a GitHub issue

Would you mind opening a GitHub issue for an explicit hibernation API in cloudflare:test so we can track this?

The examples you provided in https://

The examples you provided in are really useful! I was in particular looking for a best practice example to test WebSockets. I was trying the following setup (which is roughly how it worked in Miniflare v2): ```...

Why am i not seeing my console.log

Why am i not seeing my console.log output in tests? I'm building a cloudflare worker using Hono and using vitest for testing. I have a simple test file but the second 'console.log' isn't showing. Why not? When I remove the call to "request" it does show. (p.s. createExecutionContext/waitOnExecutionContext doesn't make a difference) ```typescript...

🐛 BUG: "Module cannot be synchronously ...

Hello! 👋 I'm currently trying to migrate our test suite to Vite + the new pool workers, and I have run into this issue while doing so: — is this a known issue? Any recommendations?

Asserting like this: `expect(res2.

Asserting like this: expect(res2.headers.get('CF-Cache-Status')).toBe('HIT') I am using waitUntil for the cache put, but awaiting it doesn't seem to work either...