DTDrizzle Team
Created by Hebilicious on 1/11/2024 in #help
Postgres ARRAY and sql template proper syntax
Hello there ! I have a where clause in a query that looks like this :
FROM unnest(${S.user.interests}) AS interest
JOIN unnest(ARRAY[${courseTagsString}]) AS target_interest ON LOWER(interest) = LOWER(target_interest)
FROM unnest(${S.user.interests}) AS interest
JOIN unnest(ARRAY[${courseTagsString}]) AS target_interest ON LOWER(interest) = LOWER(target_interest)
I can't figure out a nice way to pass something to that array. AFAIK the only think that works is to .join() the string and manually do :
JOIN unnest(ARRAY${sql.raw(`[${formattedString}]`)})
JOIN unnest(ARRAY${sql.raw(`[${formattedString}]`)})
Is there a nicer way ? If that's the way, I'm happy to add that to the docs, because it took a lot of fiddling to figure out.
1 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Hebilicious on 1/2/2024 in #help
.$inferSelect for relations
Hello there, is there a convenient way to get the list of relations of a specific table ? Either directly or at the type level. Basically getting what the with argument accept in the rqb. Cheers o/
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Hebilicious on 12/26/2023 in #help
Drizzle studio : Many To Many : There is not enough information to infer relation
I can't seen to get rid of the following error with Drizzle studio :
Error: There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.course.recommendations"
Error: There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.course.recommendations"
Here are the relevant parts of my schema.
export const course = pgTable('Course', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().default(uuid()).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('createdAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(),
// updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).notNull(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
description: text('description').notNull(),
ordinal: integer('ordinal').notNull(),
duration: integer('duration').default(0).notNull(),
thumbnails: text('thumbnails').array(),
tags: text('tags').array(),
supportingMedias: text('supportingMedias').array(),
active: integer('active').default(0).notNull(),
previewVideo: text('previewVideo'),
downloadMediaZip: text('downloadMediaZip'),
rating: numericNumber('rating', { precision: 65, scale: 30 }).default(0).notNull(),
userId: text('userId')
.references(() => user.id, cascade)

export const courseRelations = relations(course, ({ one, many }) => ({
// 1 - N
user: one(user, { fields: [course.userId], references: [user.id] }),
// M - N
bookmarks: many(bookmark),
chapters: many(chapter, { relationName: 'chaptersCourse' }),
comments: many(comment),
courseSubscriptions: many(courseSubscription),
likes: many(like),
notes: many(note),
ratingsReviews: many(ratingsReview),
videoLogs: many(videoLog),
// M - M
recommendations: many(recommendation)

export const recommendation = pgTable(
id: text('id').primaryKey().default(uuid()).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('createdAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(),
// updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).notNull(),
tags: text('tags').default('{}').array(),
userId: text('userId')
.references(() => user.id, cascade)
(table) => {
return {
userIdKey: uniqueIndex('Recommendation_userId_key').on(table.userId)

export const recommendationRelations = relations(recommendation, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(user, { fields: [recommendation.userId], references: [user.id] }),
courses: many(course),
interests: many(interest)

* Many to Many

export const recommendationsToCourses = pgTable(
recommendationId: text('recommendationId')
.references(() => recommendation.id, cascade),
courseId: text('courseId')
.references(() => course.id, cascade)
(t) => ({ pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.recommendationId, t.courseId] }) })

export const recommendationsToCoursesRelations = relations(recommendationsToCourses, ({ one }) => ({
course: one(course, {
fields: [recommendationsToCourses.courseId],
references: [course.id]
recommendation: one(recommendation, {
fields: [recommendationsToCourses.recommendationId],
references: [recommendation.id]
export const course = pgTable('Course', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().default(uuid()).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('createdAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(),
// updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).notNull(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
description: text('description').notNull(),
ordinal: integer('ordinal').notNull(),
duration: integer('duration').default(0).notNull(),
thumbnails: text('thumbnails').array(),
tags: text('tags').array(),
supportingMedias: text('supportingMedias').array(),
active: integer('active').default(0).notNull(),
previewVideo: text('previewVideo'),
downloadMediaZip: text('downloadMediaZip'),
rating: numericNumber('rating', { precision: 65, scale: 30 }).default(0).notNull(),
userId: text('userId')
.references(() => user.id, cascade)

export const courseRelations = relations(course, ({ one, many }) => ({
// 1 - N
user: one(user, { fields: [course.userId], references: [user.id] }),
// M - N
bookmarks: many(bookmark),
chapters: many(chapter, { relationName: 'chaptersCourse' }),
comments: many(comment),
courseSubscriptions: many(courseSubscription),
likes: many(like),
notes: many(note),
ratingsReviews: many(ratingsReview),
videoLogs: many(videoLog),
// M - M
recommendations: many(recommendation)

export const recommendation = pgTable(
id: text('id').primaryKey().default(uuid()).notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('createdAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).defaultNow().notNull(),
// updatedAt: timestamp('updatedAt', { precision: 3, mode: 'string' }).notNull(),
tags: text('tags').default('{}').array(),
userId: text('userId')
.references(() => user.id, cascade)
(table) => {
return {
userIdKey: uniqueIndex('Recommendation_userId_key').on(table.userId)

export const recommendationRelations = relations(recommendation, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(user, { fields: [recommendation.userId], references: [user.id] }),
courses: many(course),
interests: many(interest)

* Many to Many

export const recommendationsToCourses = pgTable(
recommendationId: text('recommendationId')
.references(() => recommendation.id, cascade),
courseId: text('courseId')
.references(() => course.id, cascade)
(t) => ({ pk: primaryKey({ columns: [t.recommendationId, t.courseId] }) })

export const recommendationsToCoursesRelations = relations(recommendationsToCourses, ({ one }) => ({
course: one(course, {
fields: [recommendationsToCourses.courseId],
references: [course.id]
recommendation: one(recommendation, {
fields: [recommendationsToCourses.recommendationId],
references: [recommendation.id]
I tried adding a relationName with the name of the pivot table like this
// RecommendationRelations
courses: many(course, { relationName: 'Recommendations_to_Courses' }),

// CourseRelations
recommendations: many(recommendation, { relationName: 'Recommendations_to_Courses' })
// RecommendationRelations
courses: many(course, { relationName: 'Recommendations_to_Courses' }),

// CourseRelations
recommendations: many(recommendation, { relationName: 'Recommendations_to_Courses' })
But that did not change anything. Am I missing something ? I've seen similar questions previously asked, but none of the suggestions seems to apply for my specific case.
13 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Hebilicious on 12/23/2023 in #help
Advanced aggregations help
Here's a Drizzle query that I'm trying to do :
const videoLogs = db
id: S.videoLog.id,
chapterId: S.videoLog.chapterId,
courseId: S.videoLog.courseId,
watchedUntil: S.videoLog.watchedUntil,
videoId: S.videoLog.videoId,
completedVideos: sql`(
select count(*)
from ${S.vidStat}
where ${S.vidStat.userId} = ${userId}
and ${S.vidStat.completedWatching} = true
and ${S.vidStat.chapterId} = ${S.videoLog.chapterId}
.where(eq(S.videoLog.userId, userId))
const videoLogs = db
id: S.videoLog.id,
chapterId: S.videoLog.chapterId,
courseId: S.videoLog.courseId,
watchedUntil: S.videoLog.watchedUntil,
videoId: S.videoLog.videoId,
completedVideos: sql`(
select count(*)
from ${S.vidStat}
where ${S.vidStat.userId} = ${userId}
and ${S.vidStat.completedWatching} = true
and ${S.vidStat.chapterId} = ${S.videoLog.chapterId}
.where(eq(S.videoLog.userId, userId))
Unfortunately I'm getting a drizzle type error for the count one. What am I doing wrong ?
36 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Hebilicious on 12/21/2023 in #help
Type Helper to select fields
No description
5 replies