Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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@crossbeau ive migrated from the

@crossbeau ive migrated from the cloudflare provider to the pulumi local.Command resource to upload a worker. will post the solution in the thread i've got support for durable objects in my stack... AND state size has gone back down from 3.3mb ... to now 0.05mb 🌈...

@msl make sure your api key has all the

@msl make sure your api key has all the access it needs?

Hello all. I'm trying to configure a

Hello all. I'm trying to configure a tunnel using the terraform provider and am getting this error. I couldn't find any matches online, so trying to understand what's wrong here. Has anyone seen anything like this? ``` │ Error: error creating Access Application for zones "f86........": error from makeRequest: auth.key_not_in_claims (1007) │ │ with cloudflare_zero_trust_access_application.devportal_tunnel,...

Tail workers

👋 Hey guys, I'm a little bit struggling with tail worker's setup and deployment through terraform 😿 The tail_consumers option is missing in the terraform cloudflare_worker_script resource. I want to deploy the tail worker and also add tail_consumers binding to the producer worker. I did not find any mention of this in the Terraform documentation. Is it possible? I deploy all our infrastructure by terraform, so It would be annoying to be forced to change deployment to wrangler 😦...

hello! today we tried without lucky

hello! today we tried without lucky create a custom domain in a R2 bucket via terraform, we did it manually from UI but I don't see the option in order to do it via terraform

can't create zone with Enterprise plan ·...

hello! I'm trying to create a zone with Terraform with license Enterprise but I receive this error "Error: error setting plan enterprise for zone "": Authentication error (10000)" . The same than this issue . I recently allowed to the token used the role of "Account->Account Settings" . I guess i need something more.....

does anyone know if durable object

does anyone know if durable object support is on the roadmap?


TF_LOG=debug environment variable so if you on Linux then just TF_LOG=debug terraform apply

i m not sure why they aren t the GitHub

i'm not sure why they aren't. the GitHub release looks fine - i'll raise it with hashicorp and see what they say.