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Dashboard missing preview env variables?

Hi I seem to remember that in the earlier version of the dashboard there was two categories for env variables one for preview and one for the production deployment. Now in the new dashboard I am not able to find the preview variables, only the production ones. Is this expected or am I missing something? Is there a way to view and change the preview variables in the dashboard?

how to create a webpage

Hey, sorry for the dumbness butt im kinda new to cloudflare and i dont know how to create a webpage on cloudflare ( if it is acctually possible to do so)

cannot change production branch on new dashboard UI

The dashboard UI for pages changed a little recently, and I can no longer find the way to change the default production branch. My repo has master as the prod branch, but I think CF is looking for main. I can’t figure out how to change it now

(Sveltekit & Pages) Streamed PageServerLoad Data Not Behaving as Expected

Attached is the code I have written. This seems to be correct, but when running in wrangler pages dev, the response of the entire page is awaited by this promise. Does Cloudflare Pages support the Sveltekit Streaming? Thank you 🙂...
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Connect pages directly with R2

Hello, I'm interested to use R2 to store frequently changing data and fetch them on the client side in a project hosted on a cloudflare pages. I read about using bindings to connect R2 with Cloudflare pages but I didn't understand if I still need a worker in the middle....

"Unknown internal error occurred." if binding R2 buckets to pages

Hi, it seems I'm unable to bind R2 buckets in pages. Removing the binding eliminates the error, but I'm not sure why
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Uploading takes much longer than before in the Deploying step

We're getting many Failed: build exceeded the time limit and was terminated. errors recently because uploading assets in Deploying to Cloudflare's global network takes more than 15 minutes and then our deployment is failed. One week ago, it took around 10mins to deploy our assets in Cloudflare's global network. I submitted a request for our increase build time but don't get answer back yet. What can I do here to make the deployment more stable? - Deployment ID: c7233c6a-c0c7-4beb-b7ec-37620ff8a36e - Account ID: 7d40f588c5aaf7bd1c9fa14eb411d5e3...
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Submodules with Gitlab

Hi, What's the right way to manage permissions, submodule URLs, HTTPS vs SSH, etc. for a monorepo / repository with submodules? I created the project in the pages dashboard using the default method of OAuth and then scrolling through all the repositories and selecting the one containing my site. In theory this means that cloudflare has a token with permission to access all of my account. Now I'd like to add a submodule to the build process that's in a sibling directory of the site's repo. Unsurprisingly without further configuration the build fails:...

Postgres.js not working in next.js

``` ⨯ Error: The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'perf_hooks' module. Learn More: at Object.get (D:\survivalytics\\server\edge\chunks\ssr\node_modules_next_dist_esm_server_web969587..js:59:19) at createSocket (D:\survivalytics\\server\edge\chunks\ssr\node_modules_postgres_srcb4bde1..js:808:228) at Timeout.connect [as _onTimeout] (D:\survivalytics\\server\edge\chunks\ssr\node_modules_postgres_srcb4bde1..js:962:35)...

Some users cant access the website

So this is a weird error im not really into networking so I dont really know whats going on and cant find anything either. I bought a domain from porkbun and added cloudflare with full SSL, I was going to buy a cpanel or sum but i realized I could just use the page from cloudflare since all I need is a simple portfolio website. I uploaded the page and everything works fine for most of my friends who tried to acess the website but some of them that were at university or hospital couldnt acess it with WiFi, if they use mobile data everything works, home wifi also works, i'm aware that some public wifi block a few websites and all but im concerned that the employers will also have this issue and not be able to see my portfolio....

Error connecting to git account

Cloudflare Pages was unable to be installed on your GitHub/GitLab account. Please attempt to fully uninstall and reinstall the installation. Can anyone help?...
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Werid build error

Hello, i host a large website via cloudflare pages because its fast and stuff but recently when building my project it throws a ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 2. after computing gzip size... for some reason, i know its not vite because i can build it fine locally in the cli
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create-cloudflare git integration

Is it possible to have the autoamted git integration with projects created using the create-cloudflare CLI? suggests going to Settings > Builds & deployments and clicking the Configure Production deployments, but this seems outdated compared to the existing Dash. Any ideas?...

new dashboard multiple env problem

Unable to add multiple envs via the dashboard anymore for pages.. used to work just fine by copy pasting all in the name field. Doesnt work anymore have to manually add each which is annoying. Anyone has a solution to this?

Deployment fails unless env variable is a secret

Other variables do not have that issue, secret or not. Or perhaps they do and I haven't yet encountered that problem. Other variables have the same problem. Just confirmed. I tried adding the variable to wrangler.toml but to no avail. Screenshots show that it's there in the settings but the build fails nonetheless. Strange....
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How to get R2 to work with Astro?

I want to use CF R2 in Astro + CF Pages project, I have setup the domain and made the bucket public. But when i try to make a put into R2, it doesn't do anything. Am i doing anything wrong? is there a way to debug this? I'm using Astro's actions here...

Error: Pages only supports files up to 25 MiB in size

I got this error for an app that I bought (nextjs using pnpm). They suggests to work with vercel, but I want to keep working with CF. If I upgrade this project, can this issue be fixed? Or maybe I should use other output folder I am using .next now. Which folder should I use for the output? ...

env variables

Hello , So I'm trying to deploy my nextjs project on cloudflare, I have env variables from dashboard configured already, but when i"m trying to build it's not able to see variables from there, im using t3-oss for env in my project, everything works fine with .env.local but not working on production, any suggestions please?
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forward pages requests to origin

can i have specific pages requests resolve to the origin when using pages? e.g CNAMEs