Point Cloudflare Registered Doman to IONOS Server
I am new to this environment. Not a deep developer but i do build websites and create graphics. I also host websites for clients. I am in the process of creating a personal website and i decided to use cloudflare to register the domain. Not knowing before hand how challenging it would be compared to other companies I have used, I am unable to point the domain to Ionos hosting server. Been working on this for almost 2 weeks. Right now based on some information I found on CF website is that all that is needed is the A Record with @ and hosting server IP address. So I waiting to see if it will work which takes a few hours to a couple of days. I just wanted to be sure that I have done my due diligence correctly before I decide to register another name with a domain registar I'm familiar with. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
6 Replies
Cloudflare register assumes you're going to be using the cloudflare CDN for doing everything...
you don't set traditional NS (nameserver) records, as they are defaulty pushed to cloudflare, but you can just set a regular A record and it should work fine.
DNS records also update stupidly fast with cloudflare
However, this may be better suited for #general-help
As pages is a cloudflare product for deploying serverless SPA
Thanks for replying.. I set the A record only with @ and the ip4 address to the hosting server. Unfortunately it's still not working.
I'm getting a 404 not found error
@Bama-NIIJI Can you provide your domain name, and did the web host provide you the A record?
The domain is atomicgmb.com
The A record I used was @ or www
@Bama-NIIJI The error i am seeing is a SSL handshake failed 502. What is your SSL settings in cloudflare?
Try changing it to flexible if you have an SSL cert on the host already
Yes there is a ssl on the host already. I will have to check what the setting is on cloudflare
It says full atomicgmb.com is using automatic SSL/TLS
Ok changing to flexible
Flexible is now on
SSL/TLS encryption
Current encryption mode:
The encryption mode was last changed a few seconds ago.
Automatic mode disabled a few seconds ago.
When I go to atomicgmb.com I see 404 not found nginx. It's been like that for days.